Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Part 1 on May 03, 2009 02:46 pm
I think you meant, "generic" where you wrote "genetic".

It's cutely done, but could use some beta'ing. Of course, I'm writing this years later, so it's a pretty worthless thing to say, isn't it?
Name: roach reviewed Part 1 on Dec 03, 2005 09:04 pm
"(insert carefully planned insult regarding rosy pink lips: "you have stupid lips" - good one!)" and "the point is that he saw her openly giving the deformed one a smile and a hug." that was highly amusing to me. i loved this chapter. what a great way to open a story. i love how he considers what theyre going through a war. it's just so funny.
Name: Dayana reviewed Part 1 on Jun 26, 2004 02:56 pm
I absolutely LOVED it. I've got to say, I laughed the most I ever have in 3 chapters. You captured Draco really well, and although I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't end up together, it made the story better. It was all very wise and well done, and hopefully you make another? Doesn't have to be a continuation, just as long as it's D/G though =]
Name: addicted fan reviewed Part 1 on Jun 23, 2004 05:51 pm
Poor Draco. I love the way you've captured him. Only poor Draco. I get so used to thinking of him as this misunderstood fanon god... oh well. Please write more. Will Ginny end up hurting Harry because she did indeed like the kiss? I'd love to find out?
Name: addicted fan reviewed Part 1 on Jun 23, 2004 05:47 pm
Poor Draco. I love the way you've captured him. Only poor Draco. I get so used to thinking of him as this misunderstood fanon god... oh well. Please write more. Will Ginny end up hurting Harry because she did indeed like the kiss? I'd love to find out?
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