Reviews For A Leap in the Dark
Name: Akt5us reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 08:41 pm
I'm confused. I liked it but i'm confused.
Who's sam? And Al is Harry's kid?
But i can't wait to read more! :D

Author's Response: Sorry, I should have had the needed info there in the first place. Sam is the main character from an old show called Quantum Leap, and Al is his observer. There's a short explanation at the beginning of the chapter now, and a link to the wiki.
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 07:01 pm
I'm amused that the teeny boppers don't know who Sam is... QUANTUM LEAP people -- awesome show... oh right -- they weren't born yet.

Name: Ananyamous reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 06:38 pm
Aaah, I'm confused like woah. Hopefully the next part will clear so stuff up, yeah? As always, sounds great.
Name: StormyBliss reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 06:33 pm
I may be dumb, or maybe i'm tired, but... i don't get it. Who is Sam? Maybe i will get it after more chapters are finished. As long as D/G get together i'm all for it! I'm going to read this again...
Name: Judibry reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 05:58 pm
I've been anxiously anticipating this.
I can't wait to see where it goes.
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 05:26 pm
Wonderful. Works brilliantly now.

I like it so far, though I have no idea what is going on. Can't wait to read more.
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 04:25 pm
Is it supposed to end with:

[i]"Well, you see..." Sam kept pushing, but had to stop and change direction when a giant p[/i]

Because I really wish to read the rest, but that is where it ends...

Author's Response: *headdesk* No, it wasn't supposed to end there. Efiction apparently really hates it when you use a word for snake that starts with p and rhymes with ython. It's fixed now.
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 04:11 pm
Uhhh I had first review and you deleted it! Bah. Well, you already know how much I adore this. Sam can fix any of Draco problems (and Jo's crappy canon problems as well). I can't wait to see more since I know there is more and knows where it is going. Btw, Myn, have I told you lately you are made of awesome? No, well, you ARE!

Author's Response: I was having some problems with uploading, so I had to delete and reupload. Oy. It should be okay now.
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Act One on Jul 26, 2007 04:07 pm
Sam can make it right! YAY for new fun crack-like canon fixing! *smooches Myn*

Author's Response: Maybe just a little bit of crack. Not a lot.
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