Reviews For Father and Son
Name: mydraco reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Jul 18, 2015 07:34 am
Hi leandra,

Its been years since u have updated this story. Its a very thrilling fiction. You are a very good writer, I request you to continue to write this. Hope u r alive n wud respond to this message
Name: crazy2592 reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Jul 25, 2014 10:39 pm
Really loved this story, great work :) I kown there's not much chance this is ever going to be updated, but one can hope.
Name: openskys reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Jul 12, 2010 09:23 pm
Please please update this!!
Name: saikoda reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Jun 10, 2010 02:10 am
oh what a shame, it was getting interesting despite the oh so cool names of the youth in the future.

Seriously, Neo Death Eaters?Nova Roman?No offense but I can't seem to take the youths even more seriously just by the names because well...
'Neo' kinda reminds me of neon sign boards and it's pretty overused and while I don't mind the 'Roman' part, 'Nova' on the other hand reminds me of the local junk food here that I used to really like.But hey, that's just me. XD

Author's Response: No offense taken. :D I didn't know this names sounded funny to natives since I'm not a native speaker. "Nova Romans" was supposed to sound old or acient... and I used "Neo" because it was supposed to be an allusion to Neo-Nazis since the Death Eater's always kind of reminded me of the Nazi-ideology. I used Nova for the Romans to let them both have the word "new" in two different languages before their name to set them as antagonists... well the Nova Romans role has shrunken a bit over the time. So you won't read the name much. I hope you still enjoy the story ;)
Name: KayJay2420 reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Jan 17, 2010 08:55 am
I hope you haven't forgotten about this story!! Please update it soon!

Author's Response: I havn't abandoned it. I'm still writing. It's going to be completed, although it might take a while. There are already new chapters completed, but I decided to write a few more chapters so there's not so much time between the postings. I think that's better for my readers and my betas. :)
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Jul 11, 2009 02:02 pm
good story. i really like the individuality of all the malfoy children. Please update soon. :)
Name: Leah Black reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Mar 11, 2009 10:56 am
Oh... It stopped, mean, I wanna read more :))
I like your story! Please write again soon!
I like Ginnys Kids, so I think the older Draco is just horrible... I hope he will get better by any chance...
Name: Juleczka reviewed Chapter 22 - The Nova Romans on Feb 22, 2009 11:54 am
great chapter! i was hoping to read something about David or Hermione but i'm glad that you are developing Amaris character. I like her!

good job, keep writing please! :)
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