Reviews For A Sixth Sense
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 1: Angel on Jan 07, 2008 01:54 pm
OoOoOoOo you have me intrigued. wanna know more! update soon!
Name: Dex reviewed Chapter 1: Angel on Jan 07, 2008 01:19 pm
SO GOOD!!! I'm dying to find out who the guy in her bedroom is. (Guessing it's Draco, but he didn't seem very Vampirey) and wether he turns Ginny. :) Please write more soon.
Name: Vixenfairy27 reviewed Chapter 1: Angel on Dec 15, 2007 06:29 am
okay this is a great story and I know that great stories should not be pushed to be continued. However, I am sorry to say that I cant follow that rule. I would love for you to update this. You have written excepcionally well, you have comedy, drama and suspense all in one. Ginny is so much in cannon in your story that I am amazed thaon how the story folds around her. Also the comedy bits and snarky bits from Draco are hilarious. Why would Draco go to Ginny's bedroom to hold her if he is stuck in the attic? What is Draco looking for? What are those viles of blood for? Please as you can see there are many questions that need answers. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
Name: tinamarie reviewed Chapter 1: Angel on Dec 13, 2007 02:11 pm
OOOOOOH I likey a lot! The end has me completely hooked, I just may go and venture off to HPFF to read more.
Name: wiccawitch reviewed Chapter 1: Angel on Dec 12, 2007 07:13 am
OMG! You must update soon! I am so interested. Keep it up. I have read several stories where draco comes to the order for help and they just accept him with open arms and I like how in your story they are skeptical that seems much more in character and ginny was great!
Name: liquid glass reviewed Chapter 1: Angel on Dec 11, 2007 12:25 pm
So... is this kind of an alter ending to book seven? Otherwise, Ginny would still be in her sixth year, not seventh.

I did love the story. Apparently, the Weasleys can be very violent! :)

It did confuse me though. For you said that Charlie ripped off the cloth on Draco's mouth, but then said that through the cloth, Ginny could still see the Malfoy smile.

I could have missed something though. This story gave me such a rush that I wanted to read it faster and faster.

Mysterious stranger?! DUN DUN DUN!

Exciting. Good job.
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