Name: LuvMe4Me reviewed Coming Out on Aug 25, 2004 04:04 am, interesting. Lol, j/k. It's very good....but Ron Weasley and Narcisssa Malfoy? It's a bit much, dontcha think? Oh well, update! :-)
Name: YUP reviewed V V-Day on Jul 30, 2004 01:07 pm
Name: Pale n Tragic reviewed Coming Out on Jul 30, 2004 09:45 am
I know you'll prolly hear this a lot about this chapter but...oh my god! that was too funny! Those momments where you don't know whether to yell or hide...keep up the good work!
Name: babygirl reviewed Misspelling on Jul 29, 2004 01:43 am
Update ASAP I'm getting restless* Your story is that good*

Author's Response: Patience, o reader - I'm trying to update it every Friday. Thanks for the ego boost though. ;)
Name: KLime reviewed Misspelling on Jul 24, 2004 01:33 am
It's getting better with each chapter!! Please update ASAP. :*
Name: mamaphoenix reviewed Misspelling on Jul 23, 2004 02:31 pm
a strange bizarre, and funny story. (sigh)what will poor draco do?
Name: madalene3666 reviewed V V-Day on Jul 16, 2004 03:25 pm
This is such a fun story. Great premise. I look forward to reading more.
Name: JennJenn reviewed Coming Out on Jul 09, 2004 11:16 pm
OK, my tummy hurts from laughing, but I'm not mad, really! This is great! I thought when I read the first chapter that it was just a little one-shot, but when I saw that you'd posted a second chapter, I had to check it out. And I'm very glad I did! Dumbledore at the end was the best, I think. Will you be writing more?
Name: emvee reviewed Coming Out on Jul 09, 2004 05:04 pm
this is hilarious!! cant imagine what these 4 people must be thinking. i have faith you'll tell us. update soon.
Name: Steve Calabrese (The Breeze) reviewed Coming Out on Jul 09, 2004 09:24 am
I'd write a review, but I'd have to stop laughing first, and I don't think I'm going to do that for awhile. This stuff is great. -Steve
Name: ScarletAngel reviewed V V-Day on Jul 09, 2004 06:18 am
Oh. My. God. *screams with laughter* That is so, so wrong, yet unbelievably funny and unexpected. *pauses, disturbed* But doesn't that make it so Draco is going out with his potential step-aunt? Whoah. Ah, well, it's still brilliant.
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Coming Out on Jul 09, 2004 04:50 am
*dies* The David Beckham Room *just flat out dies* You have no idea how much I lust after Becks. Oh he's *plots ways to kill the spice girl bint* Where was I, oh yes, fantastic fic, bloody brilliant. Poor Draco - he might need to bleach his brain after processing the fact that his mother is shagging the Weasel King. That just must be killing him. Ron can get over Ginny shagging Draco's brains out because at least they are closer in age! I have to side with Draco here, REALLY MOTHER!!!
Name: KLime reviewed Coming Out on Jul 09, 2004 04:50 am
I don't even know what to say except that it's a long time since I had as good as a laugh while reading. Thank you. And please keep going
Name: Sue Bridehead reviewed V V-Day on Jul 06, 2004 10:48 am
What naughty fun! Nice work - I just love surprise endings . . ! ;-)
Name: Firei reviewed V V-Day on Jul 05, 2004 02:54 pm
HA! You really had me going there with that first couple! I was laughing so hard...
Name: Pale n Tragic reviewed V V-Day on Jul 05, 2004 10:36 am
haha! you really had me going there for a minute...who would have figured ickle Ronniekins and Mrs. Malfoy?
Name: Quidditch3 reviewed V V-Day on Jul 04, 2004 09:50 am
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Not Ron and Mrs. Malfoy, Yuck! I was fooled into thinking it was Draco and Ginny. I couldn't help but laught after that. It was great but I don't think I can read this after having that image in my head.
Name: JennJenn reviewed V V-Day on Jul 04, 2004 12:32 am
Well, that was unexpected....! Yet very good! Will there be more? I'd certainly like to read it!

Author's Response: *snerk* Oh, yes... there'll be more. I'm having way too much fun torturing people and characters with this fic to stop now.
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