Reviews For The Weasley Child
Name: CharlotteBlack reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 24, 2008 10:37 pm
I'm so happy to see an update! I really love this story and especially so that it's done in Scorpius' view - it's very different. So although I'm not upset that is little D/G interaction I would still like a quicker update :P Hope this review inspires you to go a little faster - because I really love this story!

Author's Response: Thank you! I definitely will put up the next chapters pretty quickly (quickly starting today, haha). There won't be D/G interaction for awhile, though, so next time I'll put up 2 chapters at once, to try to move us along faster.
Name: 0630938 reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 24, 2008 07:37 am
Oh giddygood.Thanks for the update...see you in another 4 months.

Author's Response: Hmm...these reviews are getting a little meaner. Should be less than 4 months, this time around.
Name: Rashonda reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 24, 2008 07:06 am
I am so elated you updated, this story has so many different facets that can be explored. Draco is such an ass but I hope that he can mend his relationship with Scorpious, Maybe Gin will be able to foster something between the two of them. GJ.

Author's Response: Thank you! He is a true ass, isn't he? I'm hoping the same thing you are...we'll see how it turns out!
Name: darkloveangel reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 02:38 pm
O i love this story and its just so intreging. so please please write faster!!

Author's Response: Thank you! Actually, I've pretty much finished writing the story. It' just a matter, now, of editing and typing it up, which I'll try to be less lazy about.
Name: princessswan reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 11:26 am
Aww I hope they find her sooon! :) Would love to see some more Draco & Ginny !

Author's Response: Well, Ginny's pretty well-hidden...but you'll see! As I mentioned in the notes, I'm afraid it'll be a while before we see any more D/G. And since this IS from the POV of Scorpius, what you'll see will be slightly limited. But there WILL be more eventually, I promise!
Name: Cheezie_Biscuit reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 10:45 am
I did notice the connections although I must say this version is a lot more twisted...

Author's Response: Haha, thank you!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 10:16 am
okay, i'm so interested to see how this story turns out its not even funny. so hurry up and update so i can readddddd it!

Author's Response: Heehee. Be patient.... I will try my best to be better about uploading the next couple of chapters within a reasonable amount of time, though.
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 09:38 am
No, it wasn't slow, it's too short! I'm in agony, please update soon!

Author's Response: Oh, good! Thank you for that feedback. The frustrating thing about writing (for me) is that it takes so damn long. So once I've completed a chapter, I feel like it was a big, long accomplishment....and then I go back and see that it's only 2 pages! But the chapters do have structure for me, so they're going to continue to be fairly short. Sorry about that---they just feel so much longer to me!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 07:51 am
Oh I am so glad that the stories are back! What a really good chapter and I cant wait to knw what has happened that Ginny & Harry married, are you following the canon a bit? Did she have children with Harry? I cant wait and please dont be too long, your story is absolutely brillant & I love it!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you thought it was a good chapter. Relative to some other ones, it's fairly drama-free, so I was afraid people would be bored, lol. OH, and you ask excellent questions. I will probably have to explain it a bit better, because I tend to present everything that's different from canon as normal, but obviously readers don't know what's going on. I'll try to work on that. But for now, Ginny and Harry WERE married, but they did not have children. I have followed canon almost exactly, even through the epilogue, up until that point--Ginny and Harry separated before ever having children. You'll find out all about in in a later chapter.
Name: dristi reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 05:45 am
hi, your story is absolutely fabulous! i love the way the w's reacted, but poor rose and sm! pls, pls, pls, update soon...

Author's Response: Thank you! I'll do my best to get the next chappie up soon.
Name: karoooh reviewed Chapter 4 on Aug 22, 2008 05:25 am
Oh my! You FINALLY updated! :):) Had to go back and re-read Ch. 3 because I'd forgotten what happened! I take it that Harry will be entering the picture soon? And how long will it be before Ginny re-enters the pictures? One last question; will this still end up D/G? I can't picture it and though I love your interpretation of Draco so far, I'd hate for her to end up with Jerk!Draco! Oh, I can't wait!

I think it's sweet that Scorpius loves Molly and Arthur. And that he's living with them rather than Hermione and Ron - Awkward much? And it's great of you to reply to all the comments; I love reading through them and getting all the answers to the questions I didn't think to ask. :)

Author's Response: Heh, sorry about the delay. To your points: yup, you'll be seeing Harry soon. As for'll be a leetle longer, but her role will become very big again. As for the D/G ending....hahaha. I hate to give anything away, but I will say that I struggled with this. My firm belief (I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek) is that all D/G stories should end happily! Unfortunately, I found it very hard to envision any way in which these two people could possibly find happiness together, mostly because of how big of an ass I made Draco. OTOH, Ginny isn't the nicest girl in the world herself, and was with Draco despite his meanness (before he became the maniac he is now). So....I wrote what I ended up writing. I'll look forward to seeing what you think about the ending, when I finally get to posting it. Your last 2 comments: I love the Auntie/Uncle Weasley thing, too! I had a lot of fun seeing our canon character's from the perspective of someone in a younger generation--all the "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley"s and whatnot was just strange and fun. Lastly, thanks for noticing the review replies--I've been a long-time reviewer and not much of a writer up until now, and the conversations I got into with writers via reviews have been some of my most worthwhile fandom experiences. So this is the least I can do in return!
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