Reviews For The Competition
Name: luvtheweasleys reviewed Better for the Bicker on Jun 01, 2008 12:00 pm
Crap, I hate the stupid TRIO!!!! Blaise better act quickly!!!!

Author's Response: The Trio is so annoying, especially when they think they're right about things they know nothing about. Or in other words, all of the time. Thanks for the review, and please keep reading!
Name: yomoedmb reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 05:01 pm
That's a great episode of Gilmore Girls. Oh D/G and Gilmore Girls in one my night is made. Stupid Golden Trio having such bad timing. Stupid people. Do update quickly again that was quite a good present :)

Author's Response: LoL. I'm so glad you enjoyed the reference. The Trio is made up of stupid people. Thanks for the review! I appreciate the nice words.
Name: wiccawitch reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 03:20 pm
OH this cliffe is just evil! How could you do such a thing! I can't wait for an update! Do hurry!

Author's Response: I know the cliffie sucks, but what's great about a cliffhanger is that the author already knows the next chapter. Updating soon, promise! Thanks for the review!
Name: shaded reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 12:44 pm
Ah! It can't just end there! I hope that there'll be more up soon.

Draco can be a right idiot when he gets annoyed; doesn't realise how spiteful his words are until it's too late to pull back. And to think that he was about to beg Ginny to come back. I wonder how Ginny will react to the Trio, or more specifically, Harry's, presence. Should be interesting.

Author's Response: Yeah, Draco can be a git. However, Ginny can be a right bitch also and Harry's presence only makes it worse. Enjoy. Next chapter should be up soon! Thanks for the review!
Name: lavenderab reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 12:33 pm
nice that was so old i remember gilmore girls i used to love that show

Author's Response: Thanks! I know my references are a little outdated but they mark me as a well-rounded author. lol Thanks for the review!
Name: bee245 reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 11:50 am

thanks for the quick update! :D looking forward to more!:D


Author's Response: How about that quick update? lol I'm so proud of myself. I'll try to keep it up, especially the drama. Thanks for the review!
Name: Kalira reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 11:35 am
I can't BELIEVE you left it there. Interesting chapter though. Quite a bit of jumping to conclusions and saying ridiculous things that they really didn't mean. But it was very interesting and I liked it up until that HUGE cliffie.

Author's Response: I am a mysterious woman; I can't give it all away in one chapter. However, I do plan on updating really soon, so hopefully that makes up for it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Name: Dracogirl reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 10:54 am
A great chapter, and what a cliffhanger!?!?!?

Author's Response: I do what I can. Seriously, the next chapter is coming soon. I hope you like it! Thanks for reviewing!
Name: desperate_ballad reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 10:49 am
Okay, so, one, I absolutly love Gilmore Girls, and Jess was so much better than Dean! Two, how could you leave us with a cliffhanger like that??? I'm eagerly waiting for an installment. :]

Author's Response: I know, I loved Jess! Because he and Draco are so similar, though, I put that line in as a tribute to the bad boys. Here's to Jess and Draco, who know how to break a woman's heart. Installment coming soon, I promise. Thanks for the review!
Name: elay_daily reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 10:46 am
Well, this is fun.

Author's Response: Isn't it?! Keep reading; it gets better!
Name: Mars reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 10:15 am
Another great chapter! I liked how you switched to Blaise' point of view towards the end, having him "observe" the couple through the keyhole. Love it and can't wait for the next one!!

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I'm trying this new thing where I actually try to update on a regular basis. Go figure! Thanks for the review!
Name: BelleAmour reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 09:16 am
Uh-oh, somethings gunna happen. I was at school and I had to send myself part of my history project and the teacher said we have five minutes left on the computer and I got an email that the story was updated and I like rushed online and read it. Draco is soo....Draco really, I love their fight though. Wonderful!!!

Author's Response: Draco wouldn't be so awesome and gorgeous if he lacked the attitude. I'm glad you liked the chapter, though. Keep reading and reviewing!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 08:57 am
okay, first, love gilmore girls and i thought i recognized that from somewhere! second, omw, gin! and draco! what the heck! and harry deserves anything that had better come at him just cuz he's harry and draco's better, i feel bad for blaise tho, cuz he's always in the middle. haha. update soon!

Author's Response: I think that Ginny realized her mistake as soon as she'd made it, only a little too late. Harry will definitely be on the recieving end of some harsh remarks come next chapter, I promise. Keep reading!
Name: WolfStar reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 08:07 am
I knew that line sounded familiar! Oh man, why do we always say things we don't mean in an argument?

Author's Response: Yeah, I'm a big fan of Gilmore Girls. I think arguing is like being drunk; things that you only sort of mean slip out. Thanks for the review! I hope you keep reading!
Name: Grneyedminx reviewed Better for the Bicker on May 27, 2008 04:51 am
Fantastic chapter! Oh glorious arguing!

Author's Response: Arguments come naturally to me, as I participate in them daily. Thanks for reviewing, I really appreciate it.
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