Reviews For Slow Burn
Name: shans12342002 reviewed Slow Burn on Apr 09, 2008 03:37 am
Hehe, luved it!

Author's Response: Thank you for your kind words!
Name: iverseng reviewed Slow Burn on Apr 09, 2008 03:33 am
Oooh, that was good! Excellent way to end it even though I'm desperate for more!

Author's Response: Thank you! So happy to see that you enjoyed it.
Name: yomoedmb reviewed Slow Burn on Apr 09, 2008 03:03 am
Now that is how you do a detention story. I liked it, especially when he accepted the challenge. Wonderful *claps*

Author's Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!
Name: slygal reviewed Slow Burn on Apr 08, 2008 10:28 pm
naughty draco... how will she pay you back?

Author's Response: How indeed. Thanks for reading and reviewing! :)
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