Reviews For On the Eaves
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Ritual and an Outsider on Dec 10, 2008 03:55 pm
See, here's the thing: I still have no clue what's going on in this fic, even after four chapters. It's hard to keep coming back if I don't know what I'm coming back for. You know what I mean?

Author's Response: I'm sorry if you're confused. What's confusing? Most of the things I'm aware of will be taken care of next chapter. Other than that, I can't clear up what I don't know about.
Name: Delilah_Malfoy reviewed Ritual and an Outsider on Dec 07, 2008 06:40 pm
Oh this one is so interesting. I love the ones that play a different way than the cannon. (when it's well done) which this one is. Please keep it up

Author's Response: Oh, wow. Thanks.
Name: abby reviewed Ritual and an Outsider on Dec 06, 2008 04:32 am
oo la-la!! I love it! I read a little of this a while ago and then I just found it again! :) Yay!

Author's Response: That's good. I'll have more soon. Too bad I can only write when I'm procrastinating, otherwise I'd get these chapters done a lot faster.
Name: Starfire1003 reviewed Ritual and an Outsider on Dec 05, 2008 06:27 am
great story, i love all the mystery of it!!

Author's Response: Me too. Especially since I have no idea where I'm going.
Name: Kalira reviewed Ritual and an Outsider on Dec 04, 2008 06:42 pm
def a bit confused... but I'm just going to wait it out and keep reading.

Author's Response: I'm working on the next bit now...All will be explained... Or...most of it at least...hopefully
Name: AudsMalfoy reviewed Ritual and an Outsider on Dec 04, 2008 05:15 pm
Aww, cuteness!

Author's Response: Heh. Glad you like it.
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