Reviews For Incuratus
Name: dristi reviewed Chapter 3 on Feb 02, 2009 03:01 pm
hi, pretty interesting story....

keep up and pls update soon!
Name: Extreme Dancer reviewed Chapter 3 on Feb 02, 2009 11:58 am
I really love this story! I love the way you've kept Draco and Ginny very IC (snarky in Draco's case, unwilling to take any crap in Ginny's), and I also love the characterization of Blaise and the addition of Taylor.

My only critique would be to be careful when both Malfoys are present in a scene. There were certain times when you identified the person speaking as just 'Malfoy' and I wasn't sure who you were talking about (I'm speaking specifically of whichever Malfoy took her dragon from her).

But otherwise, I love it!
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 3 on Feb 02, 2009 08:05 am
I'm trying to decide just how much I approve of healing killers. Theo was attacking children; maybe he deserves to die? But that should be left up to a jury, I suppose. He should be healed and then imprisoned, at least.

You bring up some important ethical issues, just like Grey's Anatomy does. Keep up the great work.
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