Name: laurelin reviewed The Son on May 11, 2009 11:07 am
Oh my GOD Rose must be dying, thinking Lily and Scorpius like each other!

Can't wait to read more. Great story :)

Author's Response: I know, I feel so awful for her, I really do. Thanks so much for the review!
Name: abby reviewed The Son on May 11, 2009 10:27 am
Aw, come ON! Don't leave me hanging like this!!!! :)

Author's Response: Haha, but I have to, that's what makes each chapter so fantastic to write, just thinking up the ways to end them all.
Name: Mourning Broken Angel reviewed The Son on May 11, 2009 07:39 am
I just had to read the entire story so far after I validated this chapter, and I have to say- it's fantastic. Great. Wonderful. I adore the various love polygons that are forming up, particularly Lily-Scorpius-Rose.

Awesome job, and I can't wait for the next chapter! :)

Author's Response: Oh thank you so much! I'm flattered that you read it after checking my grammar (thankfully I started getting a beta lol)! Once again, thanks for your review!
Name: shezachica85 reviewed The Son on May 11, 2009 07:04 am
Oh oh more please!!!

Author's Response: It's coming, I swear lol!
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