Reviews For Deadline
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 28, 2009 12:30 am
More Draco! Padma needs to get it out into the news that her accountant had been embezzling money before Imelda gets a chance to blame her.

Author's Response: Don't worry there is lots more Draco to come! :)
Name: Flighty Temptress reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 26, 2009 08:01 pm
Oh! Oh! *waves hand like maniac* Did he kill some of the Death Eaters maybe? That's plausible-ish.
He seems kind of creepy, though. Not in a bad way, by any means (that totally sounds wrong), but more in a kind of deep, depressed, really need a big hug sort of way.
That makes me sound really weird. Anyway... very much like this chapter and can't wait to see what happens when (if?) Ginny finally gets to interview him!

Author's Response: I am not telling you anything because if I do there would be no point in me writing the story, so you shall just have to wait Missy! u_u Lol, and yes, I think Draco really needs a BIG hug - maybe Ginny will just have to do it..... :D
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