Reviews For Simple Choice
Name: thomas reviewed The Pass of Power on Oct 04, 2023 01:22 pm
Jackets offer a more casual yet stylish look. They are characterized by Real Sheepskin jacket ribbed cuffs and waistband along with a shorter waist length cut.
Name: openskys reviewed The Pass of Power on Jun 17, 2010 10:35 am
Ahh yay I'm so excited I read your other story in a day and wait for more of this one. It kind of reminds me of twilight a little bit with the way Ginny is acting, anyways can't wait for more!
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed The Pass of Power on Jun 13, 2010 11:28 am
It took me awhile to read TBIE, which is why I'm reviewing so late. And then, I read the summary, and I was torn between reading it or not. I don't really want to read a story where Ginny might not want Draco after all, and I felt like TBIE ended in a good place. This chapter was interesting, though, especially the end.

Good job!


Author's Response: Yay! I'm glad that posting SC got you reading TBIE! And I'm glad you liked it! It did end in a good place, I agree. But... I have this weakness for love triangles, and I would really like to explore a little more with the start of the H/G/D triangle I started in TBIE. I hope you keep reading as I post, and I don't know how it'll end yet myself, but I don't see Ginny ever not wanting Draco at all... If that helps. :-) I look forward to hearing more from you!
Name: tinamarie reviewed The Pass of Power on Jun 10, 2010 07:40 pm
I really liked TBIE and have to admit it took a while to read it (I wasn't intrigued by the title). I am happy however that I got over my first first impression and embraced the story. I am excited for this next installment and am curious to see a world where even though Voldemort is dead and the new Queen has risen to take his place.

Author's Response: You're back! I haven't been... enthralled by my title choices either (I don't seem to be that great at picking them), but I figure it's a little too late to change it now. I hope SC keeps your interest nonetheless! Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions for me as far as anything that you think might grab a reader's attention in the summary, I'd love to hear it! :-)
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