Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Knowing The Name Of Things on Jul 21, 2010 04:44 am
Awesome scene there in the Chamber. I absolutely love it.

Author's Response: Thank you! JK never really deals with the ramifications of ANY of the traumatic things she sets up the characters for. (Other than capslock!Harry in OOTP, but I hated that anyway...) That gives me a lot of room to play with in fic, and I really wanted Ginny to get a sense of closure with her possession so she can move on. It also serves as a way for her to bond with Draco, because it is such a difficult piece of history between them, even if Draco wasn't actively involved.
Name: misslimelight reviewed Knowing The Name Of Things on Jul 21, 2010 01:03 am
Great story! I never liked how Ginny's possesion was cast aside after book 2 and always felt there was more damage than JK had initially wrote about. Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: I know that from a plot perspective JK didn't have much use for her possession, so she never mentioned it again. I never liked that, and the vague hint where Ginny reminds Harry of it was almost like a throwaway line. I think I keep coming back to the possession because there HAS to be some more fallout from it, even if it didn't serve JK's overall plot arc. But what JK doesn't deal with gives me room to play around with in fic. :D
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