Name: lilactree reviewed Innocence Lost on Dec 16, 2011 11:07 am
Ahhh!! Someone stop her! Bellatrix is nutts. Ohmygoodygoodness :O

Author's Response: Well, it's canon that Bella is dangerous. I just gave her a pretty good reason to loathe Ginny in this story. Glad you're liking it so far!
Name: Anise reviewed Innocence Lost on Aug 10, 2010 10:22 am
Really fascinating and a great job, as always! There's a wonderful compare-and-contrast with the motivations and behavior of all the characters involved, and I think it's really a strength of this fic overall. Some thoughts:

Katie: She starts out with the same very strong, capable persona she's had all along, but I think she begins to realize in the Death Eater party situation just how little she really may be able to control. She's gotten in too deep with Marcus at this point (from everything that she knows, not from where the story might be going.) He'll do anything to protect her, but he's still a Death Eater.

The readers really feel the bind that Draco is in here, and so does he. Draco's strength, maybe, is that he fully understands his own weaknesses, and he isn't fooling himself about them. I like that Goyle is smarter than he looks. ;)

Oh, and Bella! This is very true to how this character would actuallly think, and would really explain why she goes after Ginny so specifically at the last battle at Hogwarts. But I also think she underestimates both the depth of Draco's feelings for Ginny and his capacity for self-determination.

Looking forward to the last two chapters! :) But sad that this fic will be over...

Author's Response: I love how much you're enjoying the story! I really wanted Katie to realize over time that yes, she can be strong and capable, but that doesn't mean she can do everything on her own. There's so much she doesn't know and she really only started realizing it once she put herself out there. By contrast, the Death Eaters understand who and what they are, and try to play up their strengths. As for Crabbe and Goyle... in the books they're flat, one-dimensional idiots. I wanted to flesh them out a bit more, even if I didn't go into much detail. So Crabbe pulled away and feels self important, and Goyle is the one that is more reflective. I think it explains their behavior in the Room of Requirement at the end, too. And I love how singleminded Bella was in this, too. :) I'll be posting the next two chapters this week.
Name: purrbecomesthenight reviewed Innocence Lost on Aug 10, 2010 12:39 am
bellatrix is so evil, but i enjoy how you made her that little bit human here. about the children. it makes her just that much more warped, i think.
also, i was totally tense when katie was at the pureblood ball. veryy good, very good.

Author's Response: Thanks! I don't think Bella's a mindless kind of evil, just so singleminded in her focus and what she thinks is right. I absolutely agree she's warped. I'm glad that came across. It was a very tense chapter overall, so I'm glad it worked for you. :)
Name: serender reviewed Innocence Lost on Aug 09, 2010 08:18 pm
I'm really happy that you're updating this story at such a good pace. I'm really intrigued to see where it's going. Good job!

Author's Response: Well, that's the benefit of finishing the story before I post it. :) I'll be putting up the last two chapters this week.
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