Reviews For The Safe House
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 23 on Oct 18, 2011 03:55 pm
i hope lucius is alive... will read a battle scene with harry & voldie?

Author's Response: I just uploaded the next chapter which answers both of those questions. So it should be posted soon. Let me know what you think. :)
Name: Erica T reviewed Chapter 23 on Oct 17, 2011 04:58 am
I am on pins and needles for the next part!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! And yay for pins and needles - cuz that means you are enjoying it, right? :) Updates should be weekly from here on out. Thanks again!
Name: Kittyluv reviewed Chapter 23 on Oct 16, 2011 11:02 pm
Awesome! When are you going to post the next chapter? I am dying here!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! And the compliment! I should be posting soon. I'm going to try and upload sooner this week than I did last week. Please keep those reviews coming. :)
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 23 on Oct 16, 2011 09:34 pm
I knew it! I do ope that Draco will be able to see his parents once more. I hope that Thuban and the new baby will heal the family. They deserve a happy ending. Harry, well I think he is not going to hook up with Pansy. I find Pansy and George are the two people who match so well. Loved the brilliant story and I cannot wait to read the ending!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for the review! You have lots of high hopes for a happy ending, I hope you are pleased with what is to come. I'm sure you will let me know. *wink wink* And you are not the only one who is a fan of George and Pansy. :)

Thanks for the compliment and I hope you enjoy the next part of the story. We should be entering Part Three very soon.

Name: Sleepless reviewed Chapter 23 on Oct 16, 2011 08:24 pm
OH YAY!! But what will they do now??? Can't wait!!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! And to answer your question ... well, I can't really do that, but I promise to keep updating regularly. Your answers will come soon! Thanks again!
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Chapter 23 on Oct 16, 2011 01:36 pm
I LOVED it. SOOOO much. Can't wait for more. I think this might be my fav story on here at the moment. :)

As for Lucius, I think you did an excellent job. He's lost everything other than his wife who he can't even be with at the point and you portrayed his desperation for the war to end very well.

I'm excited to see how easy/hard it is for the little Malfoy family to transition to life outside of the house and how their families will react. I'm sure the Malfoys will just be happy their son is alive but I'm pretty sure the Weasleys and Harry will have a different opinion. haha Can't wait!

Author's Response: Wow! Double Wow! Thank you for the great compliment and all the love!

And thanks for answering my question about Lucius. You're response is exactly what I was hoping for so that's awesome.

The big reunion is coming, but there's a bit more before that. You have a very interesting take on what will happen. I'm sure you'll let me know your reaction to what is to come.

Thanks again for the review!

Name: DwellingInDreams reviewed Chapter 23 on Oct 15, 2011 07:55 pm
There are so many wonderful things to say about this chapter, I hardly know where to begin! Thuban's birthday celebration was great. And even though Draco and Ginny arguing on such a special day would have sucked, I'm glad that they made up quickly AND that they decided to try for another baby. The way you wrote that bit was really sweet. The scene with Lucius was excellent. I'm so glad you softened him up, instead of making him hardened and arrogant. :) I always love the baby milestones, so Thuban taking his first steps was exciting. It does not begin to compare with my excitement over the Mark fading, and everything that means for them. I was really hoping that would make it into this chapter; and I was not disappointed. It was a perfectly written moment. I'm eager to read whatever happens next. :)

Author's Response: Yay! Thanks so much for another really awesome review! You know how much I love the fluff so I'm glad you're enjoying it.

And thanks for answering my question about Lucius. When I first started writing this fic, I never anticipated this scene. I wanted Lucius to still be canon, but in my fic, the war has dragged on for years and he's suffered a lot more. I hope that him being more open with Narcissa makes sense.

And yes, the Mark has faded! A bit more to come before the big reunion though. And then we will be in Part Three.

Thanks again! I love reading your reviews. :)

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