Name: SunnyStorms reviewed The Song Is Ending. . . on May 06, 2012 08:12 pm
Your Draco and Ginny in this story is really gripping to read, like a train wreck you can't keep your eyes from. That last line pretty much sums it up. I kind of felt all along that a part of Ginny really didn't want to fight what Draco did to her. On the surface she blames him, but deep inside, I felt like she wanted to keep that link with Draco. In blaming him, she could use him as an excuse to cover her own depraved desires.
Name: Anise reviewed The Song Is Ending. . . on Mar 20, 2012 08:50 pm
!! They're both so... SO... nuts. Wow. This is one of those fics where... there really could be a very unhappy ending, with no redemption for anyone, and it would make sense. That kind of resolution would fit what has happened between Draco and Ginny up to this point. Um, I didn't mean that I actually wanted to see this kind of ending, or that I'm predicting it, btw. ;)

There's something so very dark in Draco, as if he really could push her over the edge into the kind of insanity he feels-- and glory in it at that moment, even though it would probably kill him later on if she never recovered. He's really not sane here in some very real way. That's kind of what I mean by the miserable!ending seeming so realistically possible.) The curse he cast on her has rebounded on him to an extent that he never could have foreseen, and they've both suffered so much. (Although I do kind of want to see her smack him by now. ;) The way this could all end up... I really don't know exactly what to expect. I think that they'll both always bear the scars. IMHO, it's a lot more intriguing than yet another happy-family fic.

Author's Response: You're on a roll, Anise. Not all fics have happy endings, my dear. This is definitely one of the lessons I've learned in my years of writing/reading fandom and fanon of all sorts of series. As much as I'd love for them to have a wonderful ending. . .well, I don't want to give anything away. ;) Thanks for reading, and I hope you're enjoying!
Name: cherryredxx reviewed The Song Is Ending. . . on Mar 19, 2012 07:35 am
I love this chapter. There's nothing better than an insane Ginny and a freakin sadistic Draco in a room together... Just sayin...

I won't beg you to post the next chapter. I already know what happens. :P

Author's Response: Hehe, you do, you do! But don't give it away for the rest. Its right around the corner. ;)
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