Reviews For Rebirth
Name: Explorer reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jan 24, 2024 06:26 am
We love travelling to Ghana. There are so many beautiful places to marvel at in Ghana, such as Cape Coast Castle and Kakum National Park.
Name: Navarronaomi90 reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jan 17, 2021 11:16 pm
Hope you are doing well. I still think about and check on this story often. I'm just checking in atm no pressure.

Author's Response: Hi! Thanks for the check-in! I'm still here, still lurking. I'm having a bit of a block but I really don't intend to abandon this story. I'm trying to get back into the headspace of writing so that I can finish this and write others. Thank you for still being interested!
Name: kindiradspirit15 reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Sep 21, 2014 12:07 pm
Hi Nutmeg!

First, let me say that I love this story. I especially love D/G fanfiction, that feature G not forcing D to earn the regard of the Weasley clan. However, I have some questions about the blood purity remarks.

1) Are you trying to push G towards valuing blood purity? If so, where does that leave her friendship with Colin?

2) Why would Muriel care if Ron married Hermione? One of many boys marrying a muggleborn does not seem too detrimental in the grand scheme. Is not Fleur of mixed heritage as well?

I am not asking these questions to troll. I'm simply trying to understand your where you are taking G mentally.

Author's Response: Hiiiii, First, I don't think you're trolling at all and I understand where your questions are coming from, it's completely fine. Hopefully I can answer them successfully. 1) I'm not trying to push G towards blood purity at all. In the books, the impression is given that those who value blood purity are wrong; they get painted negatively because one megalomaniac and his followers are taking it to a dark place. They remark that the Weasleys have been pure for countless generations (same as the Malfoys) but it's never viewed negatively because Arthur has a quirky hobby. Nevermind that he married a pureblood from a family equally as old as his. I'm just trying to show that the desire for purity in a family doesn't have to come from a dark place. Rather, that it can simply be in an effort to maintain traditions. Some fanfic stories like to imply that the purity of the blood leads to stronger magic. I like to think that might be true too. Further, in some ways, the purebloods of now had to have been muggleborns at some point the the distant past, so it stands to reason that ages from now Hermione and Dennis will the the ancestors of ancient lines of wizards the same way the Weasleys and Malfoys are now. That being said, no one is shunning Ginny from keeping her friendship with Colin. He isn't unwelcome and in my head he was at the dinner party she hosted as a house warming that Pansy mentioned in Chapter 6. 2) Muriel doesn't care that Ron marries Hermione, just that in doing so he forfeits his share of the inheritance. Fleur's heritage, while mixed race, is mixed with a powerful magical creature. Still magical where Hermione is the first of her family with any magical ability (that we know of). Don't forget, Muriel is over 100 years old. Old people have very specific ways of doing things and very distinct beliefs. She's old, she's crotchety, she's not changing, we just have to smile and ignore it. Nothing about Ginny's life and beliefs have really changed in relation to how she feels about halfbloods and muggleborns. If anything, what has changed is her view of the people who value blood purity. Her reasons for not being close to her family during this phase of her life is not because of the Slytherin influence but rather because they didn't support her when her relationship with Harry ended. I hope that answers your questions. Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Aquinnah reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Apr 29, 2013 02:53 am
UHM I definitely need to get me a job working at this MNZ investments place because not only do you get to date gorgeous hipsterly-dressed men, you get to eat salt & vinegar crisps, no biggie.

I imagine Blaise pouting at his own rule and the sudden realization of it was adorable :D

Author's Response: Hehehe, Draco has an oral fixation so he's always eating but Blaise is okay with his rule. He's content to shag all the Ms. Right-Nows. Draco just always carried a torch for Ginny so he couldn't pass up the chance to swoop in a save the day for her.
Name: Aquinnah reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Apr 29, 2013 02:48 am
OKAY. Favourite bits: Draco's entrance, duh. "Kicked your crup" lmao, what does that even MEAN? Draco's characterization - spot on, by the way - Draco in a business suit and the designer sunglasses, slutty Harry, the fact that Draco enjoys sundae "treats".

Are you sensing a pattern here?

Author's Response: Haha, I'm glad you liked it considering how much I love your story. "Kicked your crup" is basically the wizarding equivalent of 'kicked your puppy'. A crup is a canine type animal similar to a terrier. I just always picture Draco as a GQ type. Well it's fandom knowledge that Draco has a sweet tooth so I just figure his hectic days get fixed by ice cream or a similar sweet treat. Harry is always fun to write as a man-whore. Thanks for reviewing! :D
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jul 27, 2012 03:15 pm
Ah; the Harry-is-an-asshole fic... I've missed these. :)

Author's Response: Haha, he won't be a complete asshole but he'll be really close. I hope you'll like it. :)
Name: Anise reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jul 02, 2012 09:56 pm
Great start to this fic! I LOVE Ginny/Colin friendship fics, so major points for that. And that's always how I picture Harry... that kind of behavior really makes the most sense for him after his ego has been inflated by the post-war hero status.

Author's Response: Thanks! Who doesn't love Colin and Ginny as BFFs? I frequently think that in canon they would have automatically connected since the Trio didn't hang with her and she and Colin were Harry's biggest fans when they were firsties. Nothing brings people together like mutual love of the same celebrity. Harry definitely exhibited this kind of narcissism throughout the books, especially in OotP.
Name: Kitty Lupin reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jul 02, 2012 03:35 pm
Cute, I'd love to see more!

Author's Response: Thank you! More to come!
Name: Jaden Malfoy reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jul 01, 2012 05:01 pm
What a great start! I can't wait to see what Draco has in store for Ginny. Hope you can update soon! :D

Author's Response: Thank you for your kind review! I'm really glad you like it and hope it continues to meet your expectations. I hope to update soon, I'm just trying to polish the next chapter. Thanks again!
Name: dykeadellic reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jun 26, 2012 09:36 pm
This was a fantastic beginning! I am curious to see where it is headed. You have done a great job with the emotions as well.

Author's Response: Thank you very much for your kind review. The basic plot is pretty much outlined but some of the details could go in any direction. I'd love to hear your thoughts as the story progresses.
Name: BelleAmour reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jun 23, 2012 11:31 am
Oh, quite lovely! I'm excited to read more!!

Author's Response: Thank you for your review! I really appreciate it. I hope it lives up to the expectations.
Name: readhead1755 reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jun 23, 2012 07:43 am
I adore a good prologue. This settles nicely into my "adore" category. I can't wait to see what Draco has in store for her!

Author's Response: Thank you for the kind review. I hope it lives up to your expectations. I hope to post the next update next week.
Name: cherryredxx reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jun 22, 2012 08:52 am
A very promising start. Update soon, please! :)

Author's Response: Thanks! I hope to update next week if RL is kind to me. Thanks for reviewing.
Name: sweet gurl reviewed When The Rug Gets Pulled... on Jun 22, 2012 07:03 am
I like how you started this, and I'm curious to see where you take it next :)

Author's Response: Thank you. I hope to have the second chapter posted next week. I hope you'll like where the story goes and I hope Draco doesn't come off as DOC. Thanks for the review.
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