Reviews For Somewhere I Belong
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Jan 23, 2017 08:47 pm
Yay, another great chapter!! So many things in this one... the subtlety of Draco and Ginny's growing relationship, the tentative trust building between them, those evenings on the couch... honestly, I think that Poltergeist is the creepiest movie ever... and most of all, the reality of the things that could come between them. A lot of fics don't include this, but I think that it's vital to have real reasons why a connection might NOT work out between them, and why they might not make the choice to be together. Such as:

"Was he that desperate to have anything at all with her that he was willing to sacrifice himself in the process? Was she worth that? He hardly knew her—the real, actual her, not the woman he had built up in his mind over half his life. How could she even compare to that? No one could."

See, these are real issues. Draco is afraid of losing too much of himself to be with her, which I think is actually a valid concern from his point of view. It may seem inevitable to the readers that they're going to end up together, but within the reality of the story, it is not a foregone conclusion at all. The differences between them really could be insurmountable in the end. And that's what we have to feel when we read D/G-- that it's not just an exercise in getting them together, but that because of who they are and what their life experiences and situations have been, it's a fight against uphill odds for them to get there. And maybe there's some alternate ending someplace where the relationship just did not work out. That makes it meaningful when things DO work between them.

Anyway... great job, and look at all these chapters I still haven't read! Yay! :)
Name: Silvryn reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Nov 04, 2016 04:59 pm
Oh, how lovely! Their romantic interactions give me butterflies just reading about it :-D and Luna's creatures this time... "believe" ?
Name: Ophelia reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 19, 2016 10:38 am
Oh my goodness I found your story about an hour ago and can't stop reading!!! For sure the best Drinny fic I've read in a long time aside from all the classics! You can really feel the tension between them. Love it. Please continue.
Name: ginatoms reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 18, 2016 01:08 pm
Ok so I've read this twice now and loved every word! I'm in love with George Weasley, he's a great big brother, you've captured him so well.

And Draco and Ginny kisses, perfect end to a chapter. I really like how realistic the development between them both is. And your conversations are so natural and loevely to read.

If you can't tell... I'm really enjoying this story so far. Can't wait to read more. Love. Love. Loveeee.
Name: ElspethBates reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 18, 2016 08:08 am
At last!!!! And you're evil... I'm saying that in the most admirable way possible!
Name: TwistedPixie reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 16, 2016 04:23 pm
I could tell you that I hated you, but I'd be lying.

There is something about the way you write, it's so witty and fast paced but somehow you manage to get tiny little details in there too. I loved the smiling scene, just everything about it was hilarious and lovely. And thank god they've finally kissed!! Finally!! And it was steamy too! Yay! (So many exclamation marks, sorry)

Really, really like the new summary. Just enough detail to catch your attention but leaves you wanting more - great rewrite!

Can't wait for more xx
Name: quirky_vixen reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 16, 2016 02:17 pm
YAAAAS! Finally. They kiss. You're an evil wench and I love you. Ugh!Why the interruption !?
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 16, 2016 03:21 am
Well congratulations on putting a down payment on a cozy little place in hell.

That build up tho! When's the update coming? Like today right?
Name: bigreader reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 15, 2016 08:34 pm
Oh I was really getting into that. You sure are great at leaving us crying for more. I've been checking this site pretty much every day for this chapter and it was awesome.
Name: ElectraMackenzie reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 15, 2016 09:34 am
You are more evil than voldemort... well maybe not that bad but they were so close ugh!!! I feel like draco needs a cold shower. Lol
Name: Desertisle reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 15, 2016 08:36 am
Another great chapter! Truly love this fic. Can't wait to read what happens next. Thanks for continuing the story :).
Name: lily_malfoy reviewed Chapter 6 - Rainbow on Oct 15, 2016 03:13 am
i do hate you...but only because your story is so anazing! so authentic and beautiful.
cannot wait to read more!!! amazing chapter!!! thank you for the great read!
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