Reviews For Ashen
Name: NTA123 reviewed Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures on Oct 04, 2020 10:38 am
I would like to read about a regular witch/wizard born to Harry! Shocking people and stuff you know?
And sorry for my word usage. I should not have used the word "spawn".

Author's Response: hahaha, no harm done. In fact, I'll steal this expression from you. It does sound like something Draco would use to refer to Harry's children. One more time, thank you for your time and your kind words. They motivate me and make me really happy!
Name: NTA123 reviewed Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures on Oct 04, 2020 10:35 am
Now I am more eager to know how you will say "farewell" to Harry!
HG baby will be girl or a boy? Whatever it is, I hope that baby is a regular child. I mean not super magical like other Harry Potter spawns! I have found so much powerful children of his in other books!! #_#

Author's Response: Haha, such curiosity! I think you'll not have to wait long. In order to develop DG, I have to get rid of Harry, poor guy. I think HG baby will be a boy - James. Even though I ran away from canon, there are some aspects of it I'd like to keep. Ah, to me, his child will be very ordinary haha. I mean, regular wizarding child (considering they're already special in some sense, but I think you got the idea) This does not mean, however, that I don't intend to use this child's existence - special or not - as a plot device to move the story forward. We shall see.
Name: NTA123 reviewed Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures on Oct 04, 2020 10:32 am
So as you had said in your reply, you have got rid of LM. The scene is clearly depicted and makes sense. I feel sorry for Nev though. I hope he will be okay and Draco can forgive him? I know it is impossible for a child to forgive their parent's killer. But then again, it's LM. So...

Author's Response: Ohh, I'm sorry to shatter your hopes, but I think there's no turning back for Draco and Neville. And I'll say more, there will be no time for that. We'll find out soon enough, I suppose. We do know Lucius Malfoy is a prick. But he's a prick who loves his son and his family. His death will be devastating to Draco - and Narcissa, for that matter. As usual, your comments are the best part of this story. Thank you so much!
Name: LMD reviewed Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures on Oct 03, 2020 04:32 am
Well done! Can't wait for the next chapter :)

Author's Response: Thank you for commenting! It means a lot to me! I'm writing like crazy and want to post the next installment by the end of the week! Hope to see you then!
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