Reviews For Holidating
Name: mercurialeyes reviewed Summer Solstice 2006 (Part 2) on Sep 11, 2021 03:45 am
*clears throat* Hi, uh hellooo, umm...well...uh, do you think....that could...uhhh... *clears throat again*...update this fic? I'm kinda dying over here with anticipation.

Author's Response: XD Yes. Now that the fest fic I am admin-ing is almost over, I'll be devoting my attention back to this fic soon! I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
Name: TwistedPixie reviewed Summer Solstice 2006 (Part 2) on Jul 13, 2021 01:08 pm
Dying at Draco's headstone!! Then our second mee-cro-wah-vay appearance and Pansys adamant declaration that she has the correct accent! I was cackling to myself.

Poor Draco, things really aren't going his way recently, eh? I'm pleased to see that they both ended up apologising to each other. I felt for Ginny when she was gearing up to Draco's bit speech and then instead he asks for George! Really love your characterisations of our main couple and also your focus on the friends and family too. Great chapter, thank you! xx

Author's Response: Pansy's confidence when it comes to Muggle things is truly astounding. XD Thank YOU for reading!! So glad you're enjoying all the side characters because they're so much fun to write. n_n
Name: quirky_vixen reviewed Summer Solstice 2006 (Part 2) on Jul 13, 2021 12:49 pm
I LOVED LOVED LOVVVEEED THIS CHAPTER! So beautifully written, the background of the festival, the interactions, the revelations and the shocking incident involving the fireworks! I did not see that coming! I can see why this chapter was hard to was so layered and complex but so rewarding to read. A wonderful turning point in the story. I can't wait to see what happens next with these new shifts!

Author's Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! ;_; I worked so hard on this chapter to get certain things just right, and, with 100% honesty, seeing that you noticed that this is a turning point in the story made all that work worth it. Yes! This is definitely a turning point for both Draco and Ginny. They can't go back to what they had before Remembrance Day, but maybe they'll end up somewhere better in the end. ;) Thank you for reading!
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