Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Sep 25, 2006 06:11 am
This story was great. I really cannot say more than that.
Name: hummie reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Aug 18, 2006 03:56 pm
Oh this was completely lovely! So well written, intriguiing, playful and yet so anguish-inducing. I love it and I love you! Please write more fabulous fanfiction :)
Name: SHS reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Jul 30, 2006 05:58 am
This was simply one of the best fics I've ever read! Sweet, fast moving, funny and thoroughly entertaining. I congratulate you on a job well done and thank you for the pleasure felt for this unforgetable tale of everlasting love!
Name: meeaz reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Apr 09, 2006 01:57 pm
i think i've read this about five or six time now and each time i read it, it's as good as the last. i love that i can come back to read this and still love it each time and find new things to fall in love with. thanks for writing this!
Name: KateMarie reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Apr 03, 2006 08:41 am
So delectable! mmmm... I really really enjoyed this. My one critique would have to be that it was resolved too quickly! Draco and Ginny never really had a reall conversation and everything was resolved in a heartbeat. Just my little petulent way of demanding a longer story I supopse. Great job!
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Jan 15, 2006 08:39 pm
That wasa lovely story. The only thing I caught was a few simple spelling and grammar errors that everyone manages to miss (even me!). Good job!
Name: Artemis of the Ice reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Jan 07, 2006 03:12 pm

Oh, I've read this story ages ago but reread it today with equal relish. It hasn't lost any of its charm. ;) Just caught a name-slip, though;

"Anne Greenbugg, a girl who had graduated with the twins...Wearing in a pale silk dress, Elaine looked radiant." 

You keep variously referring to her as either Anne or Elaine. ;) Also, I believe there'd be no "in" in that last sentence. Beautifully done, though.

Name: Roxy reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Jan 03, 2006 02:54 pm
I love it, pure and simple love it. I had to hide behind my hands at the end because i was so worried he'd be made to marry her. Just fabulous! I'm sitting here thinking to myself WHY is there no guy like draco coz lost for anymore words. Fabulous
Name: Sophinna reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Dec 02, 2005 08:50 pm
I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT! You are a very talented writer and the story line is simply amazing! Brilliant, really absolutly fabulous.
Name: Emily reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Sep 26, 2005 09:27 pm
Beautiful! Very sweet fairly tale!!! but exciting twists and turns. I really enjoyed reading eat. Wonderful job!
Name: Ada Achlys reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Sep 11, 2005 10:40 pm
This really was the perfect fairy tale -- bad guys embarrassed and punished, hero and heroine happily ever after, humor and romance throughout. I loved it so very much!
Name: Liz reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Jul 12, 2005 11:23 am
This was the best D/G story I have read. Fantastic job :)
Name: sunflowerchild reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Apr 16, 2005 04:16 pm
This is one of the best stories I have ever read! You've done a wonderful job!
Name: CuteElf14 reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Jan 12, 2005 02:34 pm
very good!!
Name: mary reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Nov 26, 2004 07:52 pm
I jsut love this story, the last part where narcissa tells them about a joint venture without a magical contract! haha, i could hear her voice!
Name: rhina reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Nov 01, 2004 05:15 pm
This was a bloody amazing story. I could not stop reading this. I loved your characterisation of Draco Malfoy. He was brilliantly done and really I loved the cool Narcissa - so elegant and together. It was just brill. Just brill. Gods... I can't say enough about how good a fic this was. Congrats!
Name: Shriya reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Oct 17, 2004 01:59 pm
Lovely! Just read through the entire thing, and you managed to combine a plausible story, Cinderella and the Twins all in one! yay!
Name: mary reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Sep 06, 2004 04:18 pm
i luv the fic, especcially the how do u sign a merger without magical curses? haha
Name: Ariana reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Sep 04, 2004 11:40 am
that was an amazing story. also, thanks for mentioning my name. usually dont see it. Congrats! Ari
Name: mrsbmalfoy reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Aug 29, 2004 05:08 pm
This was such a sweet story! I LOVED it! At first, I thought it would be like all the boring stories with the similar plots, but this one was amazingly unique! Way to go!
Name: Liv reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Aug 26, 2004 06:00 pm
I really enjoyed this, nice job!! I was hesitant to read it at first, I must say, b/c I've read other fics w/ a similar presence that were pretty lame. But this one was really well done! You kept both Draco & Ginny pretty much in character & the ending was great fluff & stuff. :-)
Name: rebecca aka endorwitch reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Aug 26, 2004 02:46 am
I started reading this on TourjoursPur but for some reason chapter 6 wouldnt load properly so i went in search of it elsewhere..YAY for this archive. This story was just wonderful! Draco and Ginny misunderstanding each others actions...but still they are crazy about each other. i loved it!! I especially loved how you wrote Draco. Thanks for a beautiful story!
Name: Draco Luva reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Aug 18, 2004 03:45 pm
Mmmmmmm, Draco Malfoy, yummy. Huh? oh, sorry. *looks around embarressed* Uh, great story. Man that Draco is FINE!
Name: Makeshift Wings reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Aug 15, 2004 11:46 pm
It was bloody brilliant!! I cant believe Draco was going to have to marry a Servent girl!! I knew something was weird when the girl with blue eyes saw Ginny holding the ring!! I really liked how you ended it though- with the marriage invite. Very awsome, indeed!! You must keep writing stories, your soooo talented!!
Name: Dead reviewed Mrs. Draco Malfoy on Aug 15, 2004 08:05 pm
Nice. This story was really good. It could've used some more tension and such, and some parts were a little confusing, but on a whole, it was a really good story.
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