E Pur Si Muove - Roger Davies

Roger Andrew Davies

Age: 28
Birthdate: September 20, 1977
Family background: Raised in an upper middle class wizarding home by Nell and Geoffrey Davies. He has one sister, Honoria.
House in School: Ravenclaw
Bloodline (and does it matter?): He's pure blooded, but has an Uncle who's a Squib. And there's no way he could care less about the whole issue, anyhow.
Political Views: Doesn't follow politics. If it's not in the sports page or on a coaster at the pub (and he just skims, that, frankly), he's not reading it.

Visual Representation: Mr. Ryan Gosling
Description: 6'2" 185, sandy blond hair, blue eyes, poor posture.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Stu-raight.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Habits\Quirks: Is obsessed with Quidditch statistics. Likes his butterbeer cold. If his team is winning, he doesn't change his socks. Brace yourself. Every bit a bachelor. Eats out of takeout cartons (over the sink), washes only what he needs, doesn't know household-y spells, so is pants at cleaning.
Likes\Dislikes: Loves the Falmouth Falcons and Puddlemere United. Despises with every fibre of his being the Chudley Cannons and the Tutshill Tornados. Plots their imaginary demise each season. Plays a pickup game of Quidditch whenever he can.

Occupation: Just re-signed to the Falmouth Falcons after months of intensive therapy on his wrists and does occasional articles for the Quibbler.
Financial Status: He's doing all right. But then, he only needs enough to pay rent and go to the pub, so that's not much is it?
Residence: Flat in Cheapside, London

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: He floated around during the war, trying to stay out of the line of sight. Played professional Quidditch for a bit until a bludger shattered the bones in his right wrist. They never healed correctly and he can't hold a broomstick for very long as a result. Took a job with The Prophet and the Department of Magical Games and Sports. If he can't play, being around it is the next best thing. He's mates with a lot of the Quidditch set, and has dated around a bit, finally settling on the lovely Demelza Robbins.

Roger's Puppet Master is Carrie (persephone33)

The Game

The Cast

The Links

Special Thanks

Lots of love for dear Mynuet for allowing us room at her brilliant domain. YOU ROCK!