It was long and stressful. For three weeks they argued and shouted and Ginny cried. But Draco knew the whole time, while he refused to accept it, what it would come to – what the best solution was.

And for the remaining weeks they risked more than they ever had, spending every night they could possibly manage clinging to each other desperately in the study room, with more emotion than they ever had since the beginning.

Draco’s friends agreed amongst themselves that his disappearances and moodiness were preparation for leaving school and joining his father. Ginny’s brother and friends were more concerned. She didn’t seem able to eat, couldn’t pay attention when they tried to tell her about this or that. But she dismissed everyone.

The day they went home, Draco and Ginny walked past each other without a glance. They never saw each other on the train, and got off at different times at the platform.
Compared to most wars, the war was quite brief. Harry was direct, and Voldemort did not falter. Two years after Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy graduated, the battle was fought, and finished.
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