Your voice is low

It’s sad and deep

It cuts through the cold morning air

Like my razor stabs at my skin

You tell me that you’re sorry

That this is what we have to do

That you have to go

That I can’t go with you

You pull me to you and kiss my breath away

Our last kiss, you say

As your body Disappears before my eyes I scream

Why are you leaving? What did I do?

I stare at the cement of the sidewalk where

You last stood

I feel the tears start to build and I run

Trying to forget you

The way you so easily forgot me

The tears fall freely down my face

I find myself in my room

Memories of you come flying back to me

You laughing

You crying

You holding me until all my fears melt away

A flash of light catches my eye

I stare at the silver blade

I pick it up

Caress it with my fingers

I hold the blade to my wrist

I roughly pull it against my skin

A new wound opens

The blood seeps across my palm from my open wrist

I gasp

The tears taste salty in my mouth

I miss you but I need to forget you

You forgot me

All I have left of you is a scab slowly forming on my wrist
The End.
razzle_be_dazzled is the author of 3 other stories.

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