So you've jumped into the ocean-like pool of Harry Potter fanfic authors. Congratulations. You have entered one of the biggest, richest and most diverse fandoms on the internet. It can be a fun and rewarding place, where you find a wealth of talented, intelligent and wonderful friends... or it can be a vicious, belligerent group of warring factions. Either way, you've a new identity of a fashion: an amateur author playing in the sandbox of one of the most popular and beloved book series of all time. And as all amateur authors start out, you've a clean slate.

It's up to you whether you produce art or tripe on that slate. But of course, you want to produce something worthwhile, right?

Yes, that's a cue for all those who WANT to be "plebes" and "Suethors" and "trolls" to click on the little X at the corner of their browsers right now.

Those still reading, I commend you. I know that it's a daunting place to start writing: certainly if it's your first fandom, and even if it is your second or third. There are, of course, some common pitfalls that you can avoid. You know, those things that you think are okay when you first start writing and then, a year and several flames and hissy-fits and a measure of gained maturity later, wonder what the hell you were thinking.

Now, without further ado... here is a guideline to writing quality HP fanfic in general and quality D/G fic in particular. Please hold all your applause and rotten vegetables until the end.


This is the most important thing, and in my opinion, the most basic as well. I believe that one cannot LEARN how to "write well". That is to say, no one can learn how to become a Bronte or a Shakespeare or even necessarily a Sarea Okelani or a Mynuet. I've played piano for twelve years. This doesn't mean that I will ever be the second coming of Mozart. My point is... genius and talent in writing isn't necessarily something that everyone is gifted with. However, I think that it is possible for everyone to learn how to "write properly".

Sure, English can be a contrary sort of language, and the category of "mechanics" covers a broad range of things. For the purposes of this essay, we'll say that it encompasses spelling, grammar, diction and usage of general words and sentences.

No, it isn't necessary to go over your fanfic like a phD student goes over his or her thesis. It's not necessary for you to have a degree in English (though for the purposes of this site, keep in mind that several Cabal members do). However, remember that though you're not writing anything to be published in a book for money, you're still writing in a 'verse that was carefully created by an author who values her work very much, and as such, it would be simple respect to at least try to give your fic a basic standard of mechanics.

MS Word has spellcheck. Sure, it'll tell you that words like "Quidditch" are spelled wrong, but it will also help point out that there's SOMETHING wrong with the phrase "teh wizzerd had a pet draggen." Spellcheck is not perfect, nor is it even close to a replacement for a good beta, but it will certainly catch the most glaring of the errors. That and a careful read-through after writing by yourself should at least catch half of the spelling errors and typos.

I personally think it should go without saying that netspeak is a no-no in HP fanfic, particularly of the D/G variety. Maybe in certain fandoms, it would be believable or all right, but the chances that two pureblood protagonists are well-versed in something like the internet-- let alone so familiar with it that they'd forsake their fairly conservative upbringings to resort to very grammatically improper, slangy and generally lazy lingo is just extremely unlikely. Furthermore, AIM jargon is all right for communicating with friends, because it's shortened and simplified and casual, but a fic based on someone else's work deserves at least enough effort to use proper English. Same goes for things considered acceptable in IM and emails, like excessive exclamation points or random capitalization, though those things can't be considered strictly netspeak. People, this is NOT the e. e. cummings fandom, and even if it were, YOU are not e. e. cummings!

Grammar and usage is a slightly larger category than netspeak, and is often considered the most difficult part of the English language. Once again, no one is asking for a dissertation explaining the difference between a past participle and a conjunctive or the definition of "uxorious" and "belles lettres", but a basic grasp of usage, punctuation and proper sentence structure is necessary. Things like "there/their/they're" and all those other commonly confused words that your third grade teacher warned you about. Please, people, make peace with the apostrophe. Learn it, live it, love it. Check over your grammar before submitting a fic. Make sure you separate paragraphs. Underline titles. Capitalize names. Most fic archives require people who submit fic to be at least thirteen, and I know that by seventh/eighth grade, these things have already been taught in English class.

As for English not being your first language, it wasn't mine, either. Again, no one's expecting perfection, but keeping mistakes to a minimum isn't too much to ask. Besides, considering all this is done on the internet, it really wouldn't be difficult to find a beta whose first language IS English.

And no, a beta isn't your adoring best friend or your pet chihuahua. A beta is someone with sound knowledge of mechanics and canon and will honestly tell you the strengths and weaknesses of your fic after picking out the glaring mistakes.

Word usage is also important. Especially considering that HP takes place in Britain. Very few things drive me as batty as seeing Americanisms in fics. Understand that they don't talk that way across the pond. The very profanity is going to be different. Again, no one's going to require an explanation on the origin and meanings of the twelve most popular phrases in Cockney slang, but just like netspeak would be unlikely in HP verse, similarly, Ginny would never say something like "Dude, you're such a hottie" to Draco. Nor would Draco, pureblood elitist snob that he is, tell Ginny that he wants her "digits, because you're just such a babe". If in doubt, read the books over again, and see what sort of diction JKR uses.

As a slight aside, I'm going to add a note on formatting, which ties in with grammar and punctuation, but isn't completely in those categories. Of course, separate paragraphs, make sure that your punctuation marks don't appear as funky characters, etc. etc. But also, PLEASE do not put in-text Author's Notes in the fic. It's distracting, it's annoying, and a lot of the times it seems a bit smug, too. As though the author is TELLING the audience what to think. Honestly, your fic should be able to stand alone and explain and describe itself. Of course, we all know that Tom Felton is the prettiest thing since Marilyn Monroe too (or, at least, we know that the majority of fandom thinks so), so we do NOT need notes along the lines of "(OMGLOL Tom Felton is so fuggin' HAWT Draco in leather pants yay yummmmmmmmmm)" anywhere.

Still with me here? Good! Now that you know to read it over very carefully and get a competent beta, more likely than not you'll pass muster to post in THIS archive.

The next section, coming very soon, should enable you to be able to upload any story you want to this particular site, if you follow the guidelines.
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