Disclaimer: Not mine....

Summary: Draco learns to cope with his loss.

Author's notes: Hmmm...I hadn't planned on writing another chapter for this, but I heard this song and I couldn't help myself. I also felt that I needed for Draco to have some more closure with what had happened. You can't mourn forever. Cry is by James Blunt. (I love this man. His songs are so beautiful. If you haven't heard them, I suggest that you do. They're all very lovely.)

I have seen peace
I have seen pain
Resting on the shoulders of your name
Do you see the truth through all their lies?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder
I'm a friend

A soft knock on his apartment door woke Draco from his pleasant slumber. He slowly untangled himself from his unwashed sheets and opened his dresser drawer for a shirt, only to find it empty. Draco sighed and grabbed his black silk robe from under a pile of dirty clothes. He ran his hand through his hair and glanced at the clocked on his bedside table. It was two O’clock in the afternoon. What day it was, Draco didn’t know. He’d been drinking and sleeping for weeks—maybe months. Draco lazily walked to his front door and, after unlocking it, opened it to find Harry Potter standing in the doorway.

“Oh, God,” Draco exclaimed and then slammed the door in Harry’s face. “Bugger off!” he yelled through the thin door.

“Draco,” Harry’s voice called. “You can’t hide forever! Let me in.”

“I said bugger off!” Draco yelled as he walked into his kitchen and began to make himself another shot of fire whiskey. Within seconds Harry was standing behind Draco with his arms crossed.

“You’re going to kill yourself if you keep drinking like this.” Harry said.

“That’s kind of the point,” Draco responded as he downed the drink and then filled another glass. The whiskey burned as it went down his throat but he knew that it would fill the empty space that was there—at least for the moment. Draco turned to face Harry and saw that there were three empty suitcases next to him. “Going somewhere?” Draco asked.

Harry smirked. “No, I’m not going anywhere—you are.”

“Am I?”

“You can’t stay here forever. This place…there’s too much of her here. She wouldn’t want you to live like this.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“I told Hermione you’d refuse. You’ve always been a stubborn git. Just get your bloody things. We need to be out of here by five.”

Draco put down his shot glass and took a step towards Harry. “I told you,” he spat, “that I’m not leaving.”

I have seen birth. I have seen death
Lived to see a lover's final breath
Do you see my guilt? Should I feel fright?
Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?
And if you want to talk about it once again

Draco followed as Harry grabbed the luggage and walked into Draco’s bedroom. Harry began grabbing every piece of clothing that he could find and put it in the bags. Draco sat on the corner of his bed and buried his head in his hands as Harry rummaged through his drawers. He jumped suddenly as he heard a crashing sound coming from his bed side table. Draco held his breath as he turned around to see Harry bent over a picture frame, now shattered. Draco rushed over and saw that it was a picture that Hermione had taken of him and Ginny about a week before the final battle. Rage and loss filled Draco’s body as he saw how torn the picture was now.

“Why did you do that?” Draco screamed at Harry. “How could you ruin this?” Draco collapsed into a sobbing heap next to his bed. “You can’t make me leave…when I’m here…I can still feel her. I can smell her and I can remember her touch. If I leave…I might forget.”

Harry sat himself next to Draco and sighed. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “It’s my fault she’s gone. If my spell hadn’t back-fired…I was stupid. I wasn’t being careful enough.”

Draco whipped the tears from his face and sat up. He turned to Harry with a look of shock on his face. This whole time he’d been blaming himself for what had happened. He blamed himself for ever letting Ginny fight in the battle. But she was hot-headed, like Draco himself. It shocked him to learn that Harry blamed himself, just like Draco did.

Draco cleared his throat and looked around the room. “How much do you think someone would pay for this dump?”
Harry looked at Draco, confusion all over his face. “But, you just said…”

“I know. But, I don’t need a place to remind me of Ginny. She’ll always be here…in spirit at least. I think that, maybe, I need to learn to let go a little.”

“They do say that time heals.”

“Well, they’re full of it. Time doesn’t heal…it’s what you do in that time that heals you. I could stay here, and drown in fire whiskey, or I could try to live a real life and enjoy it as much as I can. So, why don’t we finish this packing? I’ll try to control myself…”

Harry nodded and, together, the two men packed nearly the entire contents of Draco’s apartment, after using many shrinking spells of course, into the three suitcases. Harry exited the apartment first and began down the hallway to the stairs. Draco stopped in the middle of the doorway and turned around for one last look. There, where the sofa used to be, he could have sworn that he saw Ginny smiling and waving at him. She really would remain with him forever, he knew it. But, until the day that he got to see her again, he would wait. He would try to be the best person that he could be and live his life to the fullest. Why worry about what might have been, when you can think about what could be? Draco let out a long breath and slowly closed the door. And as he followed Harry down the hallway he could already feel himself changing. He’d come a long way since he and Ginny had been together. He’d grown up, and realized what life is really about. It’s about love and friendship. It’s about pain and heartache. It’s about…living. Draco walked down the three flights of steps and opened the door that led to the sunlight of a new day—the sunlight of a new beginning.

On you I depend. I'll cry on your shoulder
You’re a friend
You and I have been through many things
I'll hold on to your heart
I wouldn't cry for anything
But don't go tearing your life apart
I have seen fear. I have seen faith
Seen the look of anger on your face
And if you want to talk about what will be
Come and sit with me, and cry on my shoulder
I'm a friend
And if you want to talk about it anymore
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder
I'm a friend
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