DISCLAIMER: As much as I would like to claim responsibility for creating these characters or the world they live in, I cannot. They are the property of J.K. Rowling. The song lyrics are from the song “Keasby Nights” by Catch 22. However, the plot is my idea.


By Loveable Punk

Alone in the dark, bare room, Draco Malfoy paced slowly. All that was here was a Muggle radio, a chair, and an old desk with enough dust on it to prove an effective weapon should it be blown in one direction or another. That or there was enough on there to choke a small rodent. Either way, there was a lot. The two doors that led into room, one in front of the desk and the other behind, were both closed.

Normally, Draco never would have listened to the Muggle radio, but right now he needed to do something. He had been instructed to wait here for Ginny and the others after disappearing three days ago. The owl they had sent had just been returned today. Normally, such erratic behavior would have no place in his repertoire, but he had received some information that he could not trust to anyone else, and he had to take action, lest word get out about his plans.

The next song on the radio caught his ear, with the catchy beat and the lyrics. Draco moved behind the desk and sat down, listening intently to the song for a moment.

“When they come for me, I’ll be sitting at my desk, with a gun in my hand, wearing a bullet-proof vest. Singin’ ‘my my my, how the time does fly when you know you’re gonna die by the end of the night.’”

Footsteps on the stairs. Draco reached over and turned the radio off. Without the added noise, the footsteps only grew louder. Drawing his wand, he waited. Suddenly, the door in front of the desk whipped open, slamming against the wall hard enough to disturb some of the dust on the desk.

“Where are they?”


“The children!” Ginny. She had finally come. After the hours he waited, she had come, as Draco knew she would. He noticed now who flooded into the room behind her. Ron and Percy, her brothers. Lupin and Tonks, still alive, somehow, after all these years. And Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. The Boy Who Survived By Sheer Luck was the more accurate now, with all the attacks he had managed to escape. Eighteen wizards. Eighteen wizards in four years had died defending him. And he still walked around as if he was the savior of the Wizarding World. Pathetic.

Draco looked up defiantly and raised his wand. “Somewhere safe.”

Before Ginny could open her mouth to yell at him again, Draco flicked his wand and closed the door behind them all, much more delicately than it had been opened. He held up a finger for her to be quiet a moment longer as he listened. No other sounds were heard besides some labored breathing. Potter. Figures that he would be the one to be bloody out of shape. Turning back to Ginny, Draco lowered his finger.

“I received some information and had to react quickly, Gin. I found out that Voldemort was coming for the children. I had to take them somewhere safe… alone.”

“And you couldn’t tell me!?” Her voice was shrill with worry, not only for her children, but for him as well. He had disappeared for three days without so much of a note saying where he had gone.

“No, Gin, I couldn’t. I had to make the children as safe as possible in as short a time as possible. I had to use the Fidelius Charm. They are safe right now. I’m the Secret Keeper.”

“And you’re not even going to tell me where I can find my own children?” She advanced on him, her eyes wild. He held up a hand to stop her, his hand reaching into his robes.

“Of course I am going to tell you.” Draco pulled out an envelope from his pocket. “I’ve enchanted this so only you can read it. As soon as you’re done, it will burn itself.” Holding it out to her, he looked deep into her eyes. He’d picked a location that would have meaning for them… the spot where they had been married.


”Draco… I have some bad news.”

“Is there any other kind nowadays, Blaise?” He was frustrated, worn out. Four years of constant war, constant running, long periods of time away from Ginny and the children were taking a toll on him. The immaculate Draco Malfoy that had stalked the halls of Hogwarts for seven years was now gone, replaced by a haggard young man whose hair was often messy and unkempt, deep lines on his forehead and by his mouth, eyes that spoke of horrors no person should ever see, had aged far beyond his years.

“Voldemort has found out about you, and Ginny… and the children. And he knows where they’re being kept. He’s moving on them in a matter of days.” All fatigue was gone from Draco’s expression and demeanor at the mention of his wife and children.

“What? How is that possible?”

“I have no idea, Draco, but I know for sure that he is moving.” Suddenly, Blaise’s face contorted in pain and he grabbed his left sleeve, pulling it up. Engraved into his chocolate skin was the Dark Mark, burning harshly. “I have to go. You should leave as well, they’ll know where I’m coming from.” Draco nodded slowly, the silent gesture wishing his friend luck. The Dark Mark that had been placed on Draco’s arm when he was sixteen didn’t burn anymore. Voldemort knew what side he had chosen, and had decided not to inform Draco when his club was meeting anymore. Draco didn’t receive the monthly newsletter anymore, either. Disappointing.

He watched as Blaise Apparated out of the room. His friend, and spy inside of Voldemort’s upper echelon of Death Eaters, had provided him with valuable information in the past, but none was more valuable than right now. Flicking his wand, Draco Apparated out next, a plan already formulating in his mind.


“Should I let anyone else know?” Ginny asked him, her eyes pleading for more information. Draco had already let two other people now, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They were at the spot caring for their grandchildren.

“No, Ginny. Not right now. We can’t be sure who we can trust, even family.” As he spoke these words, Draco could have sworn that he saw Percy’s right hand shift towards his left arm the slightest bit.

“Alright. I’m sorry for barging in here like I did, Draco, but I…”

“There’s no need, nor the time, for explanations, love.” Draco leaned down and kissed his fire-haired princess. “Now, head out that door and read that note. Then head there.” She pointed her toes, moving up and kissing him passionately on the lips. He returned her fire, smiling slightly as she pulled away.

“What are you smiling about?”

“You do that to me sometimes. Now go.” A silently mouthed “I love you” followed his sentence, and was returned by an “Always”, done in the same way, from her.

She quickly walked away, opening the door behind the desk and closing it behind her. A few seconds later, he heard a pop that let him know she was gone. Turning to the other five people in the room, Draco sighed. “Alright, all of you head somewhere safe as well. I’ve got a bad feeling about tonight.” The first to stalk past was Harry, of course, not making eye contact with him as usual, followed by Tonks and Lupin. Percy strode after them, glancing sidelong at Draco for a moment before averting his gaze and tugging at the hem of his left sleeve. Finally, Ron walked past, pausing for a moment next to Draco.

“Thanks for doing the right thing, mate.” Draco gave him a short nod and a pat on the shoulder, and then Ron walked out the door as well. Five short pops later, and silence reigned once again. Walking back over to the dusty desk, Draco turned the radio on again. It was the same song, still.

He reached into his pocket a pulled out a picture of his children. The twins both giggled and waved up at him, and he waved back, even though they couldn’t see him. Gavin and Cassandra. Each looked like their respective parents, Gavin like his father and Cassandra like her mother, minus a few key differences. For instance, Gavin had a mop of fiery red hair and freckles on his pale skin, while Cassandra had pale blonde hair and sharp grey eyes. Wistfully, he slowly ran a finger over their faces, knowing he would never see them again.

“When they come for me, I’ll be sitting at my desk, with a gun in my hand, wearing a bullet-proof vest. Singin’ ‘my my my, how the time does fly when you know you’re gonna die by the end of the night.’”

Footsteps on the stairs. Draco reached over and turned the radio off. Without the added noise, the footsteps only grew louder. Drawing his wand, he waited. Suddenly, the door in front of the desk whipped open, slamming against the wall hard enough to disturb some of the dust on the desk.

“Where are they?”


“The children!” Voldemort. He had finally come. After the months, years he waited, he had come, as Draco knew he would. He noticed now who flooded into the room behind him. Greyback and Avery, his followers. Alecto and Amycus Carrow, still alive, somehow, after all these years. And Lucius Malfoy, Draco’s father. The grandfather of the very children Voldemort was here to kill. Eighteen wizards. Eighteen wizards in four years had died at Lucius’ hands. And he still walked around as if he was innocent in the Wizarding World. Pathetic.

Draco looked up defiantly and raised his wand. “Somewhere safe.”

Author notes: A/N: I hope you all enjoyed it. Responses and reviews are key. Thanks for reading, and hopefully you'll be seeing more from me in the coming days and weeks.

The End.
Loveable Punk is the author of 6 other stories.
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