Dinner was a delight. Ron glared, Harry brooded, and Mrs. Weasley refused to allow either of them to speak ill of Draco or Ginny. When they were finished eating, Ginny pulled her mother aside and whispered in her ear. “Mum, we found a doll house upstairs. Draco promised to help me fix it up as long as we keep it secret from all the men in the house.”

“That sounds like a lovely project.” Her mum didn’t bother to lower her voice.

“What’s a lovely project?” Mr. Weasley asked.

Ginny gave Draco a pleading look. He rolled his eyes. “Fine, but he has to keep it to himself.”

Mrs. Weasley whispered to her husband and he chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep it under my hat. You might want to look in the cellar. There are odds and ends of wood and paint down there.”

Draco suddenly had a vision of his neat orderly bedroom becoming a terrible mess. “That’s a good idea. I believe we should take inventory of what we have before we bring in any new supplies.”

“Can we get started tonight?” Ginny asked.

Draco led the way up the stairs.

Ron met them coming down the steps. “Gin, where are you going?”

“I’m going to Draco’s room.”

Ron opened his mouth to protest.

She cut him off. “Mum knows where I’m going. If she isn’t disturbed by my plans then you shouldn’t be either.”

Once they were locked inside his room, Ginny set to work unpacking the boxes. Draco sat back and watched as she cooed over miniature dining room tables and place settings. While the miniscule furniture held no appeal for him, he did enjoy watching her reactions. Wanting to appear helpful, he took on the roll of grouping the furniture by room.

Ginny noticed what he was doing and laughed.

He shot her a glare. “There is nothing wrong with being organized.”

She nodded, stood, and crossed the room to his dresser. A small stack of books sat on top of the dresser. After smiling at him, she touched the top book and turned it slightly to the right.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

She moved the bottom book to the left. The result was a messy stack of books. “How long can you leave this before it drives you crazy?”

He stood, moved to her side, and straightened the pile of books. “About that long.”

She laughed.

He shook his head and grabbed her hand, leading her back to the dollhouse.

Once they had all the furniture unpacked, Draco made a list of what was missing. “We need a bed for the master bedroom, a bathtub for the loo, several bookshelves-”

“I think we should clean the house first and then put the furniture in.”

Draco pointed his wand at the house and recited the same cleaning spells he used on his room.

“You are handy to have around,” she teased. The wood gleamed and the glass windows sparkled. The interior of the house didn’t fair as well. “What are we going to do about the wallpaper?”

“Is wallpaper a must?”

“Of course it is. Look.” She pulled him down to sit in front of the miniature parlor. “See. The pattern on the paper is tiny so it’s to scale with the rest of the house.”

He leaned in so his face was next to hers. “You can barely see the Fleur de lis pattern.”

She turned to speak and they were almost nose to nose. Ginny backed up and said, “We could paint our own wall paper.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” Draco sat back on his heels. “What are we going to do with the furniture which is scattered about my floor while we spend untold hours creating wallpaper?”

“The furniture doesn’t take up that much room. I thought we’d just leave it there.” She smiled sweetly at him.

“Save that innocent look for your brothers. There’s no way in hell we’re leaving this mess on my floor.”

“Fine.” She pouted.

“That’s not going to work either.” He informed her with a smirk.

She huffed out a breath. “I suppose we could move it to the top of your dresser.”

“Not going to happen. I suggest we box it up by room, label each box appropriately and then restore the rooms individually.”

“I can live with that.” She went to work placing the furniture back in the boxes and jotting down the contents on the side of each box.

Draco found himself admiring her bum. When she glanced back and caught him, he said, “You can admire my bum the next time we walk up the stairs.”

She snorted in response. Once she had the furniture put away, she held out her hand. “Come on. I want to check the cellar to see what supplies we have.”

He took her hand, but planted his feet when he remembered something. “I found a couple rolls of fabric up here when I was moving things around. Let’s see if they will work for anything. If not, we can take them to the cellar.”

Draco pulled the bolts of fabric from underneath his bed and passed them to Ginny. “What do you think? The pale blue could serve as wallpaper.”

“We could draw on the blue to create a pattern.” She frowned at the green velvet fabric. “I don’t think this will be good for anything.”

Maybe it was the Slytherin in him that caused him to object, “The green velvet would work for carpets or table cloths.”

She grinned. “Good idea.”

He retrieved a pair of scissors from his dresser drawer and cut a rectangle of green velvet. “Let’s see how this looks.”

Ginny watched as he placed the rectangle of fabric in the dining room. There was only a small border of the wooden floor visible around the carpet. “That’s too big.”

“It’s not.” He retrieved the box she’s placed the dining room furniture in and placed the chairs and table on top of the rug. “See?”

“I suppose you’re right.” She walked toward the door. “Let’s visit the cellar to see what else we can find.”

Draco followed her downstairs. When they passed Harry and Ron he gave them a cheery smile. The glare he received from both males warmed his heart. Once they were in the cellar, he waited for Ginny to gather whatever supplies she thought necessary.

While she sorted through old cans of paint and scraps of wood, he checked out a few small wooden boxes. “One of these would work as the bath if we painted it correctly.”

She glanced up at him. “It’s too big.”

He started to agree with her when he heard footsteps and saw a shadow on the stairs. Knowing he had an audience inspired him.

“Ginny, I assure you it’s not too big. It will fit.”

“No. It won’t,” she replied. “Look at it.”

“It’s not that big.”

“Forget it, Malfoy.”

“Earlier in my room you voiced the same argument. I proved you wrong and I believe you were quite happy with how that worked out.”

“Fine.” She huffed out a breath. “We’ll give it a try.”

“Ginny, what in the hell...oh.” Ron had stormed down the stairs and now stood staring at the two of them.

“Can we help you?” Draco arched a brow.

“What were you talking about?” Ron bit out.

Ginny turned around blocking Ron’s view of what she’d been looking at. “Whatever we were talking about is none of your concern.”

Ron pointed at Malfoy. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to.”

Draco sniffed. “Most of the time, I don’t think you know what you are up to.”

Ginny chuckled while Ron sputtered and then stomped back up the steps.
To Be Continued.
CCC is the author of 47 other stories.
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