It’s been just over ten years since the Battle of Hogwarts. Society has moved on but not in the utopic way everyone assumed it would. For Ginny Weasley, however, everything is going great until a season-ending fall derails her Quidditch career and forces her to reevaluate her life. It also forces her to realize that there’s more to Draco Malfoy than she ever thought—something Luna has been telling her for the past six years… This is what happens when Slytherins find themselves filling the roles of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws rule the art world, and Weasleys are unable to use magic—or at least, one Weasley can’t.
Category: Works in Progress
Rating: Definitely Naughty
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood
Compliant with: All but epilogue
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance, Smut
Warnings: None
Completed: No
Series: None

Chapters: 11 | Word count: 97003 | Read count: 13376 | Published: Jul 21, 2016 | Updated: Aug 06, 2017
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(Reviews - 97) Microsoft Word Printer ePub eBook
Story notes: No, your eyes are not deceiving you: this is a new Tiny Q fanfic. I know, I don't believe it either, but it's here, it's novel length, and it's mostly done. I blame going back to school; and the fact that editing your own work sucks; and a bout of depression that was so bad that I couldn't read anything for almost two years until I rediscovered D/G fanfiction. But all of that's neither here nor there because now I have a new story to share with you! :D

The rating is for language, suggested violence, a bit of terrorism, and, of course, some smut. I'll put proper warnings where they are needed at the beginnings of the chapters.

And finally, I own nothing related to Harry Potter, and I don't find the plot terribly original. Orton, however, is based on my Charlie, and while I can't claim to own him (he's his own cat, after all), I did put him in the story.

But enough blather from me, please enjoy!

1. Chapter 1 - Bad Blood (Reviews - 20) 8235 words

I fixed up the formatting and a bit of the grammar, so now it looks all shiny and nice... my perfectionism is appeased. ;p

2. Chapter 2 - You Are Mine (Reviews - 7) 8041 words

Well, I think I am standing firmly in the camp of the Cursed Child not being canon, so you won't find anything from it in here.

Also, thank you to everyone who reviewed!! :D

3. Chapter 3 - Hopeful Hearts (Reviews - 6) 9005 words

I think I might have gone a little overboard with the ellipses in this chapter... you are forewarned...

4. Chapter 4 - Cannonballs (Reviews - 12) 10049 words

Well, the next chapter and a half were originally three chapters that I've compressed down for the sake of readability. The end result is a little on the long side, but I’ve been assured you like long chapters.  ;)

Also, thank you so much for making this a featured story!! I can't even begin to describe how flattered and excited I am. :D

5. Chapter 5 - Ghosts (Reviews - 7) 9036 words

Not sure how I feel about this chapter, but I’m done poking at it. Let me know if it’s horrible though, and I’ll go back in and stab at it or something…

6. Chapter 6 - Rainbow (Reviews - 12) 9066 words

I realized I made a bit of a mistake and left out a necessary conversation… So, before reading this chapter, if you wouldn’t mind popping back to chapter 3, to the part where Ginny wakes up in the hospital (near the end), I added a small bit in there that has some relevance for later chapters. And here I thought I was so on the ball…

The scene with Goyle in it has a few unpleasant descriptions of his injuries, so just skim through if it will upset you.

7. Chapter 7 - My Little Ruin (Reviews - 11) 9128 words

It's fall reading break next week (Finally!!), but I'm heading down to the States where there will be questionable wifi, so I wanted to get this out before I left. Not sure I've edited it to my standards, so if you see anything, please let me know and I'll get to editing when I get home.

8. Chapter 8 - Whirling (Reviews - 7) 8828 words

I'm so sorry I haven't had a chance to reply to all of your reviews yet! I'm swamped with school, but on the 14th I'll be free! And then I will catch up. I really do appreciate and think about everything you say. :D

9. Chapter 9 - Sleeping Sickness (Reviews - 5) 8506 words

10. Chapter 10 - Breaking the Cycle (Reviews - 4) 7950 words

I’m not dead! And neither is this story! Yay!

11. Chapter 11 - Get Up (Reviews - 6) 9159 words

There's a bit of smut near the beginning... just so you know.