Ginny was always surprised by Luna Lovegood. As her best friend, she should have expected Luna to no longer cease to amaze her, but when Luna sat down next to her in Transfiguration and whispered in her ear, “So are you and Draco finally going to get married like you vowed?” well Ginny fell right on out of her seat. Thank the gods she didn’t have this class with Draco, or that would have been rather embarrassing.

Picking up her wand and casting Muffliato, Ginny rounded on Luna, still whispering because she didn’t want anyone to know.

“You remember that?!”

Luna nodded her head. “Did a Wracksprut make you forget?” she asked.

Ginny sat there, stunned, and then admitted that yes, both she and Draco had forgotten.

“Most likely, if it was Faerie magic, the Faerie made you forget. Faerie magic is mysterious and hard to understand, but most Muggles forget their encounters with them, too. So maybe they did the same to the two of you. Are you going to tell everyone about the Vo-”

“Shhh!” Ginny hissed, though no one could hear, and then class was starting and Ginny was whispering to Luna.

“We don’t want anyone else to know.”

Luna tilted her head, blue eyes seeing everything like they did that day when Ginny was four and Draco was five. How strange. A small shiver went down Ginny’s spine. She got the strangest feeling with Luna sometimes, as though the girl were a Seer of some sort. It was bizarre.

McGonagall’s class went by without incident, and Ginny managed to transfigure her desk into a dog and back again, earning Gryffindor ten points.

“Anyone else would have given you twenty,” Hermione said, catching up with Ginny and Luna.

“You did it first, so you got it first!” Ginny said good natured-ly.

Ginny often wondered if it was weird for Hermione to be back at Hogwarts without her two best friends. She tried to include Hermione, but the other girl often wanted to spend her time studying. She was practically a nervous wreck these days.

“Gin, do you still want to go over Galplott’s Third Law? I was thinking of new ways to explain it and-”

Ginny cut her off.

“Actually, Draco helped me understand it. Rather quickly. He is a very good teacher. I’m sorry.”

Hermione stood there in the middle of the corridor, surveying Ginny before she said, “I’m glad you’re actually giving this a chance, and so is he.”

And then Hermione Granger walked away, leaving a speechless Ginny Weasley behind.


History of Magic was next, and they had it with Slytherin. Ginny was surprised when Draco slid into the seat beside her, passing her a note.

Ginny looked at Draco with a confused expression, and Draco rolled his eyes before mouthing the words “Open it.”

Ginny opened it and began reading.

Can I Slytherin to your Chamber of Secrets?

Ginny’s hands flew to her mouth as she tried to pass off the laughing fit as a coughing fit. Draco was too busy smirking to do much else but pat her back as though she’d actually been coughing. Not that Professor Binns would notice. He was as clueless as Harry Potter was when it came to sex. Which might explain why Ginny was still a virgin.

The thought made her cheeks flame, and she let her hair fall between her and Draco like a curtain until she could get herself under control. She would be marrying Draco. And in Pureblood marriages certain vows took place. Ones that forbade them to sleep with anyone else under penalty of death. It was a form of an Unbreakable Vow. Draco was going to be the only person Ginny would ever have sex with.

She put her head down on her desk, trying to soak that in. Draco wasn’t bad looking. In fact, when he wasn’t being a right prat, he was an intelligent, giving, somewhat hot man. But sleeping with him?

Ginny looked over at Draco who was looking at her like she was crazy. Ginny mouthed the word headache and Draco nodded. Then she set to writing him back.

You wish

And she passed it back to Draco, a smile playing on her lips.

Draco scribbled something while biting his lip before passing the note back to her.

More like I dream about it, but basically yes.

Ginny put her head down, shaking with laughter, and aimed a kick at Draco’s shin. If the oof was anything to go by, she had made contact. She knew she’d kicked something that time at least.

They passed notes all the rest of class, Ginny telling Draco that she had something big to tell him, and Draco just dying to know what it was.

Will you tell me now if I promise to buy you a Phoenix as a wedding gift? his note had asked.

But no, Ginny was mean and made him wait until after class ended. As Draco got up to leave, she yanked him back down into his seat, letting the rest of the class file out. Professor Binns floated through a wall.

“Huh, I guess he does know he’s dead,” Draco commented.

Ginny shrugged, but then remembered she had something to say. Something of importance.

“You remember how Luna was in the memory?” she asked.

Draco nodded.

“Well it’s strange, but she recalls the whole thing perfectly, while neither you or I do. She was saying maybe the Faeries had to do with us forgetting,” Ginny explained.

“Huh,” Draco said, thinking a moment. “It’s possible Lovegood is onto something. But even if she was, Faerie magic can’t be undone, Ginny.”

Ginny rolled her eyes. “I’m not trying to undo it, you prat, I’m trying to figure out why it was done.”

Draco looked at Ginny for a long moment before saying, “Ginny, don’t you think maybe if we, I don’t know, live our lives, we will eventually figure it out? If it’s Fate it will make itself known. Trying to rush an answer isn’t going to help. Now come have lunch with me. Everyone is already calling you my girlfriend. They say I stole you from Potter.”

And Draco Malfoy looked particularly smug as he got up, offering Ginny his hand. Ginny put the note they’d written back and forth in her bag before taking Draco’s hand and letting him lead her out of the classroom. And of course the moment they hit the hall holding hands, whispers started. Ginny flushed bright red, but she resolutely kept her hand in Draco’s the entire way down to the Great Hall, wondering if her palm was sweaty the whole way there.

Draco looked so calm and collected. It was a bit unfair, really. Ginny wanted to kick him. She wanted to trip him up the way he was currently tripping her stomach up, because those butterflies were surely going to make eating a bitch. And it was all Draco Malfoy’s fault. Him and his bloody good looks. Well. Ginny was going to make sure Gryffindor beat him. Now that she was Chaser she was going to make as many points as possible. Fuck the snitch, she’d singlehandedly win the game if she had to, just to show Draco who was boss.

Ginny noticed Parkinson’s look of outrage, as though Ginny were the scum of the Earth for holding Draco’s hand. Draco, who towered above her. Draco whose grey eyes reminded her of rain clouds and thunderstorms. Draco who for some reason she was fated to be with. A reason she had yet to really understand.

And she had been sure when they told her that she would feel a keen loss over Harry; but she hadn’t. It was the strangest thing, really, but she felt as though all the secret looks and quips between the two of them—Draco and Ginny—had been leading inexorably to this point. Like he was a home she’d forgotten she missed. And it didn’t make sense, but then what about magic ever really did? There were laws to it, sure, but there were also exceptions to those very same laws.

Ginny sat down next to Draco, bag slung across her shoulder, and for the first time in life, looking at Draco, Ginny Weasley felt whole.
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