ChaosHavoc [Contact]

Real name: Terrill
Registered: Sep 22, 2005
Membership status: Member

My pennames are ChaosHavoc and JinKo. (Pronounced "Jihn-koh" in very much the same way as we pronounce the relationship between Ginny and Draco ("Ginco") Believe me when I say that I did not notice until recently. :) We Kentucky people are weird like that.) I love writing, but was reluctant to try out fanfiction. The small amount that I did attempt was Action/Adventure; hardly any couple-action there. I wasn't so sure I could make anything between Ginny and Draco (or Ginco, as we say down here in Kentucky) work and still remain "Potter-Verse". However, after reading some BEAUTIFUL works, I am convinced that I, too, can share in the delight that is writing Ginco fanfiction. (Don't tell my English professor; he'd never let me live it down).

~~ Shameless Plugs ~~

In the mood for Sonadow (Sonic/Shadow pairing)? Check out my sister, NamelessMoonshine (Me-Chan, to our DA friends), over at, refrain from being a complete arse and flaming. It's annoying and does not make you look intelligent in the least.
You can also visit Me-Chan and me on DeviantArt. The link is on here....somewhere....>>

~~ Currently Writing ~~

Three Simple Rules

~~ Currently Dreaming ~~

Nothing ^^'....o.o
Favorite Authors
1. Aurora
2. kjcp
3. Mynuet
4. Sarea Okelani
5. twiddlekinks