flame_kitty [Contact]

Real name: Kaitlyn
Registered: Oct 08, 2005
Membership status: Member
Yahoo IM: kaitlynsanzo

I am a 5'2'' red head who can't get enough of Draco and Ginny, and who thinks that they deserve as much (if not more) attention than the Boy-Who-Lived. I just started writing again, but this time I've started writing fan fiction for the Harry Potter universe. I think I'm much better at just plain writing, but I love the D/G-ship, so I thought I'd try out a couple of stories here. :-)
If anyone has any requests for stories they'd like to see or plot-turns in my existing stories that they would like to suggest then feel free to comment or send me an e-mail!
Favorite Authors
1. rae_grace
2. Rhina
3. Serenitey
4. Sloshie
5. smprsgrrl
6. StrangerWithMyFace
7. taleweaver
8. twiddlekinks
9. wishiwereaweasley
10. xNymphadoraX