Midoriko [Contact]

Real name: Lucy Emily Ebony Burrow
Registered: Nov 27, 2004
Membership status: Member

Sorry everyone. My name isn't Ashley. Thats my sister's name. I accidentally left the EDIT PERSONAL INFO page on my computer and she went on and put what was recently posted.

No, neither of us live in California, we live in Australia. AUSSIE rocks! Um...I can speak with an American or Aussie accent. I have learned to speak quite a bit of Japanese because I'm a fan of Anime.

Um....here's some stuff about me.

Name: Lucy
Age: 15
Location: Australia not California!!!
Birthday: N/A
Favorite Harry Potter Pairings: D/G R/H
Fave Food: I have too many!!
Fave colors: Pink&Black like my room!:p
Fave things: Going on MSN, shopping, hanging out with my friends like...Kristy, Rylee, Lannah, Emily, Jenna, Kelsey, Lyla, Ren, Maddison, Sammy and Cara!!
My fam: My sisters, Lisa and Ashley, my mum, my dad, and my bro.
Pets: A dog named Duke
Fave things to do#2: blow raspberries! *blows raspberry!!*

Luv ya!

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