Reviews For Downfall
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 12 on Oct 10, 2010 08:36 pm
I had to get a new laptop and forgot all about this fic. How terrible of me. Now that I've caught up again, I can finish reading it.

Great chapter. Draco is so adorable in all his indignant ways.
Name: slitherhither reviewed Chapter 12 on Feb 15, 2009 02:13 pm
Oh, that was just lovely! The lullabies... *sighs*, the humor. Brought tears to my eyes in more ways than one.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 26, 2006 04:49 pm
~WOW. So great.~

Author's Response: You are a reviewing machine! *hugs* Thanks for taking the time to give me your thoughts. I really appreciate it!
Name: braidedsilver reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 25, 2006 03:35 pm
I really love your writing but I wish that you would type out the word professor, abbreviating it implies lazyness, and lacks the class the rest of your writing maintains.

Author's Response: I'm really glad to hear that you like my style of writing- that's always a fabulous comment! :) I have to admit that I was a bit thrown by your dislike for the abbreviation of Professor, though, and can assure you that it was not due to laziness on my part. I also abbreviate Mister throughout the story, as do many people. The lack of a period/full stop at the end of "Prof" is in keeping with British English standards. I will make an effort to write out 'Professor' in future chapters, as you suggest, so as to maintain a higher level of integrity in my writing. Thanks for the constructive criticism! :)
Name: Rashonda reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 19, 2006 03:40 pm
I was laughing and smiling throughout this whole chapter. Chivalry is not dead as long, as Draco Malfoy is around.

Author's Response: Draco's brand of chivalry tickles me- he thinks he's such the ladies' man, and he doesn't let reality get in the way of that self-image.
Name: DrowningOphelia reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 19, 2006 02:02 pm
Splendid! I am sad it was only a chapter, but you did make it nice and long to balance that out. Where is this headed?

Author's Response: Well now, if I tell you where its headed, there'll be no point in reading the rest and giving me more nice reviews. ;) I will tell you that I am a fluff addict, so there'll be a happy ending (eventually).
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 19, 2006 01:42 pm
My goodness. The two of them are wonderful together! They're funny and flirty and sexy and even sweet. So often, after a fanfic that's filled with real, intense hatred and competition between these two, the author doesn't really manage to pull off a successful rapport. But you've done it beautifully!!

And now, alas, there is no more posted. I can't wait, can't wait, can't wait for the rest of this fic, and hope there is a lot more to come.

Author's Response: Thank you! What a wonderful review. I'm not sure that I've accomplished the transition as seamlessly as I had hoped, but I have a blast writing these two in a witty, clumsy way that most teenagers act like at some point with a love interest.
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 19, 2006 04:05 am
I really love the dynamic between Draco and Ginny, particularly the way they alternate between insulting each other and kissing. Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.

Author's Response: There's something about the dynamic of certain types of teen relationships that compel them to go from insults to full-on making out at the drop of the hat, and that is exactly how I envision D/G working out. And thank you for the review!

Author's Response: Sorry about the bold. :/

Author's Response:
This computer mocks me, I swear it.
Name: Moonyk reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 19, 2006 01:08 am
"You, of course, can use my intestines to rappel down the wall. I will stand here and bleed to death with aplomb. If you'd like, I'll even tell whoever it is to go rot for you with my dying breath," he said.

That had me laughing so hard! The whole exchange! Hahaha! But the change from enemies to snogging partners seemed rather abrupt. I was rather surprised when Draco appeared in the changing rooms. I thought that it was a dream at first.


Author's Response: Yay! That was my absolute favorite line in this whole story! It came to me as I was going to sleep. I actually got out of bed and jotted it down, and boy am I ever glad I did!
Name: imokit reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 19, 2006 12:33 am
he he, i love this chapter

Author's Response: Thanks, I thought it was a fun one myself. :)
Name: meeaz reviewed Chapter 12 on Aug 18, 2006 05:04 pm
Hehe, I think my favorite part was Ron; you describe his anger so perfectly. Great job again!

Author's Response: Thanks! I love Ron to pieces, even though I don't think I write him very well.
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