Reviews For The Tempest
Name: Alexis2013 reviewed Chapter X on Aug 17, 2021 08:08 pm
Overall very good story. The only hole in the plot is that you mention Ginny’s scar on her back, specifically give by Lucius Malfoy. I think with it being mentioned, a couple times, that there should of been a point in the plot where Draco sees this scar and they talk about it, and about his father. Otherwise it seems strange that it’s mentioned specifically that Lucius gave it to her, and that at a point when she is laying to bask in the sun with Draco, she hides a grimace for the pain of the scar. Just my opinion! Overall I loved the storyline and your writing skills are superb!
Name: vintagepearls reviewed Chapter X on Dec 09, 2014 11:23 pm
I loveddd your usage of imagery in this story. The ending was really sweet too. Such a beautiful piece of writing!
Name: b1elliot reviewed Chapter X on Dec 16, 2013 10:25 pm
Lovely story thanks!
Name: GinnyIsSnazzy reviewed Chapter X on Aug 12, 2009 12:02 am
This is much different from any story I have ever read about the couple.
You played with ideas intriguingly, and I enjoyed it immensely.
I absolutely loved the angst in this plot. You are a talented writer!
Name: lovelywendy reviewed Chapter X on Jun 16, 2009 02:48 am
no sequel?
-sobs harder-
Name: Tessanne Malfoy reviewed Chapter X on Apr 15, 2009 05:48 pm
short and sweet!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter X on Aug 09, 2008 06:52 am
i love this story. its so beautifully written. you're amazing.
Name: Adelagia reviewed Chapter X on Jul 14, 2008 04:46 pm
Oh, I'm completely blown away by your writing. It flows beautifully and the imagery you use is so sharp and evocative. I loved how you tied their change of heart (or at least their admissions of it) in with the change of the season. Love, love, love.
Name: bee245 reviewed Chapter X on Jun 08, 2008 01:41 pm
very uplifting. made me smile :)

Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter X on Aug 28, 2007 11:14 am
awe way cute. loved the ending! great job!
Name: felicitas reviewed Chapter X on May 22, 2007 05:41 am
I really appreciate all the work you put into this story. I really felt as if I were there. Your descriptions are always so thorough I just knew they were shouting at each other (because of the rain) in this last chapter. You always amaze me bringing so much of other cultures into your stories and making them fit the HP universe. Another hit!!!
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter X on Apr 22, 2007 07:09 am
It was wonderful. The kissing in the rain. Everything. If I had but one criticism it would be that I felt a few chapters were a bit rushed... that we didn't delve into the characters as much as I would have liked. That's probably a big reason why people are requesting a sequel so badly... they love the little of Draco (for example) that they've seen - but we didn't get to see enough of him. Or Ginny - her life before coming to India. While a sequel would sort those things out, it's almost as if a pre-quel would do those same things.

All I know is that it was brilliant. You are so incredibly talented, and I just loved it. LOVED! ;)

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I've loved reading your piece-by-piece reviews! It means so much to me!rnI agree that it feels rushed; when I wrote it, though, I submitted it all together for Pud's contest, so I didn't realize that some chapters were significantly shorter than others, and so on. I could have expanded it, but I guess I figured that the important bits are here, and a prequel/sequel would ruin the magic of the few moments shown.rnI'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for the wonderful reviewing and all the praise!
Name: SMichaelM reviewed Chapter X on Mar 22, 2007 04:42 am
I really do think that you should do a sequel. I love this fic and I want to find out what their married life is like.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter X on Jan 21, 2007 05:18 pm
~A really wonderful story. You are very talented.~
Name: *poohbear* reviewed Chapter X on Jan 13, 2007 04:10 pm
this is beautifully written! it's not easy to write about a war torn and painful world in such a touching and lovely way, but you have done just that. great job!
Name: Myanceris reviewed Chapter X on Jan 06, 2007 03:10 pm
Wow. Beautifully and evocatively written. Nice work.
Name: Dex reviewed Chapter X on Jan 01, 2007 04:06 pm
Marvelous! Absolutely mindblowing! You are an amazing writer, and I LOVE the way you write.
Name: AnimeSiren reviewed Chapter X on Dec 22, 2006 02:37 am
I liked it!
Name: hellogoodbye reviewed Chapter X on Oct 26, 2006 04:34 pm
awwwwww i like it. it's nicely written and cute, and i really like the language.
Name: Padfootedmoony reviewed Chapter X on Oct 15, 2006 02:40 pm
Amazing. Keep up the great work. I love it.
Name: loveangle reviewed Chapter X on Sep 22, 2006 10:46 am
wright more it is so good.
Name: emvee reviewed Chapter X on Sep 17, 2006 03:09 am
great fic. too bad there is no sequel. keep up with your writing.
Name: shelly reviewed Chapter X on Sep 09, 2006 03:03 am
write more
Name: crimsonpetals reviewed Chapter X on Sep 02, 2006 02:05 pm
What a beautiful story. Sincerely, it was the best D/G fic I've ever read and the only thing I'm left wanting is more to read. I'm very agrieved that I didn't review every chapter, but I hope you'll excuse it because I just had to read it all at once. Beautiful story.
Name: Black Alnair reviewed Chapter X on Aug 27, 2006 10:09 pm
Dramatic ending. I'd like how you carried the sky motif through and juxtaposed Draco/Ginny with India/England. The Shakespeare quotes were slightly distracting and perhaps it would have been more effective to stick with quotes from the work's namesake. But overall, no other complaints because it was just so bloody brillant! Now I think I have to go and read your other work. ;)

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you thought it was brilliant, LOL. I would've put only Tempest quotes, but alas, they don't apply quite as well, so I branched out to Shakespeare in general. (My favorite has to be the last one, however: "For the rain it raineth every day." Hurray!) Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the fic, and please do check out my other stuff! :-)
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