Reviews For Die, with a "T"
Name: drinnychicken reviewed Chapter 8 - Don't Stop Believing on Mar 07, 2012 04:43 pm
I was afraid Edwina had died! Why didn't she reschedule the meeting? Why did Ginny sleep in bed with Draco - and why didn't she say anything later? Gah. My eyes are tired from reading but I can't stop!

Author's Response: I'm hoping later conversations might explain, but we are only seeing from Draco's, and some of 'Dwina's, POV. And Edwina is a wee bit sneaky, but in a nice way. :D So glad you are enjoying!
Name: slitherhither reviewed Chapter 8 - Don't Stop Believing on Apr 20, 2011 10:49 pm
I so love a Draco surrounded by strong women - mother, employees, Ginny - who can outwit him when it's called for. Well done on that score!

Also, congrats to Draco on losing almost two stone (= almost 24 lbs?) ! And of course he would admire himself in the mirror for five minutes, verifying that he's "ready to show the world that he, Draco Malfoy, was back to his superior self". Oh Draco, so vain.

Author's Response: LOL! Yes, our sweet, conceited Draco is under the impression that he's in control, but really, it's just the girls who let him think that he is. :) He has no idea. I love that about him in this fic. Thank you so much! (and so nice to see the review from you!!!!!)
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Chapter 8 - Don't Stop Believing on Apr 17, 2011 12:55 am
YAYYYYYY! AN UPDATE!!!!!! :D And it was cute as always! LOVED the DG sunday lie-in, and how Draco is bothered by the fact that Ginny never mentioned anything. And the Dwina! Yay for Dwina! Loved that bit of scene between her and draco towards the end! her authority is clearly superior. ^_^

Great job and please update soon!!!


Author's Response: Yes, Edwina is the best! :) More of her is coming along. Working on the final edits of the next chap now, so it should be up by end of the week. :) Sorry for the wait, it was so close to done, but for some reason I wasn't happy with it and wasn't getting the inspiration to get it done right. Thank you so much for your kind words and support! Hugs!
Name: calleope reviewed Chapter 8 - Don't Stop Believing on Apr 16, 2011 11:08 am
Yay! Welcome back.

Author's Response: hahaha! Thank you, m'dear! :)
Name: hp42 reviewed Chapter 8 - Don't Stop Believing on Apr 15, 2011 08:05 pm
Yay! A new chapter! As usual, great chapter. Looking forward to reading more, hopefully with a shorter wait, though =P

Author's Response: Yes, next chapter is ready and should be up in a few days. Sorry for the wait. This was supposed to be a quick story, don't know how my muse ran away for so long. Hugs!
Name: openskys reviewed Chapter 8 - Don't Stop Believing on Apr 15, 2011 01:24 pm

This was amazing I'm so pleased with it!! Edwina that old fox I bet she did it on purpose! And Ginny, not mentioning sleeping in the same bed as him? Ahh I cannot wait for more!

Author's Response: I dearly love Edwina, she's such a sly thing. The epilogue will make you love her forever. Poor Draco, is soooo uptight. He was such a joy to write in this fic. :)
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 8 - Don't Stop Believing on Apr 15, 2011 05:29 am
I couldn't wait until you posted at FFN, so I'm reviewing here.

I love this story, and was really absurdly happy when I saw it had been updated. Draco is so adorable; I'm really enjoying seeing this side to his character -- a side we very rarely get to see in fanfiction. Can't wait to read the next chapter!

Author's Response: :) Thank you! It was so funny when you prodded me last week, and I had this almost ready to post! Brilliant timing. The fun part of Draco in this, for me, is how he's surrounded by strong women and totally alone in dealing with them. Sorry it took so long to update, but the story kind of changed from the original idea. I originally wanted to make Ginny much more strict with him, but it started sounding more nasty than funny, so, I had to rethink much of the plot and rewrite most of the story.

Thanks for sticking with me! Next chapter should be up in a few days. It only needs some minor edits.


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