Reviews For Seven Deadly
Name: Boogum reviewed Pride on Dec 10, 2009 11:32 am
I didn't notice anything OOC. It was great. Some of those descriptions were hilarious. I liked the "If Draco’s mouth gets any wider, it will cut his head in half." I can just picture that. LOL.
Poor Ginny is certainly getting it rough from our favourite sneaky blond. I wonder what she will do?

Author's Response: Yes, I was picturing it too, as I wrote it. I snickered.
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Envy on Dec 10, 2009 10:25 am
Evil, sanrly sweet...the important part is DRACO!
I hhope your SOON is closer than a week from today!
Can't wait!!!


Author's Response: :) Thanks, the last update won't take long.
Name: fairydust123 reviewed Pride on Dec 10, 2009 06:06 am

Ouch, that even hurt me! Can't wait for Ginny's revenge... Although I feel bad for Astoria, seeing as she's caught in the middle.

Author's Response: Yes, well if you keep reading you'll see that Ginny's revenge is carried off satisfactorily to everyone. Except Draco, obviously.
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Pride on Dec 09, 2009 11:09 pm
oh my goodness. OH MY GOODNESSS!!!!!!! i read your comment and I was so happy! i really do feel like astoria was too sweet for draco. I'm really glad that he's attracted to ginny for reals, and not torn between the two of them. darn, that evil, conniving little slytherin. and as for ginny's revenge...knowing her, i'm sure it won't disappoint. please, please, please, please, PLEASE update soon. i would adore you to forever if you did. ;)

Author's Response: Well, by this point I'm not so sure you still think Astoria's too sweet for Draco, but I just wanted to (belatedly) agree with you.
Name: Akt5us reviewed Pride on Dec 09, 2009 10:55 pm
I thought Draco liked Ginny? And wanted to get with her? I can't wait to read more! :)

Author's Response: He does, but with these two nothing is simple.
Name: Akt5us reviewed Wrath on Dec 09, 2009 10:49 pm
I can just imagine Ginny yelling at Draco for something that isn't his fault! :)

Author's Response: Of course she would.
Name: dancingonstars reviewed Pride on Dec 09, 2009 07:54 pm
what a cruel ending to a great chapter. cant wait for the next chapter! i really like this story and cant wait to see where you go with it.

Author's Response: Thank you! Don't worry, Draco will get his comeuppance.
Name: japdragon reviewed Pride on Dec 09, 2009 05:02 pm
Love it so far!! Looking forward to the next update! ^_^

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Pride on Dec 09, 2009 04:42 pm
OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Poor Ginny!!!!!!!! I feel her heartbreak. I've totally been in the position where my crush has liked my best friend. I really, really hope that Ginny retaliates by dating a guy herself and NOT giving in and letting draco think that he can do that to her! that should knock draco off a peg! ooh, she can enlist harry's help! draco hates harry! and the next chapter can be from draco's point of view, when he watches ginny walk into the great hall with harry potter's arm around her shoulders. then, he could be Greedy or something and want to date both Astoria AND Ginny. Except Ginny would win. Of course. Aahhhh, I love this fic! And I'm so glad that it's one of those that you update really fast on. I don't think I could take the suspense if you updated like, once a month or something. I love this story!!!!!!! good job, and please update soon!

Author's Response: Haha, I'm glad you feel sympathy for Ginny. Although it's less of a case of Draco like Astoria, as it is of him just wanting to make Ginny jealous. ;) As for Ginny's revenge... I guess you'll find out soon!
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Pride on Dec 09, 2009 04:14 pm
Draco makes everything worse by leaning in closer and placing a finger over her lips. He takes a quick step closer and twirls a strand of her hair in his fingers, leans his head close and whispers seductively in her ear: “I wouldn’t like to see my girlfriend looking so upset any longer.”

o leans even closer, so that he is whispering in her ear, and she can feel his warm breath puffing as he draws out his words. “That’s right. I’m asking…

THIS was SO "drive me crazy and make my heart want to jump out of my chest!"

i was holding my breath when he started to lean in closer...i was holding my breath from the moemnt he approhed her but aroun the time he got to close to be polite i just stopped breathing!

But why do you look so shocked, Weasley? Oh!” he gasps in amusement. “Surely you didn’t think it was you?”

this was SOOOOO mean!!!!
pooor Gin!

But the bright side is...REVENGE!!!!!
I can't wait to see what she's going to do...tease him? Make him jealous? Showing him what he's missing?

This is AMAZING!!!!


Author's Response: Wow, I'm glad you liked it so much! I have to admit that I had a lot of fun writing Evil!Draco. I usually just stick with Snarky!Draco but this time he was very naughty. Don't worry though, Ginny will fix him eventually. As for HOW... you'll find out soon, I promise!
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Envy on Dec 09, 2009 12:59 pm
I'll be sure to review as soon as i read it...well maybe i'll wait a little because i tend to send reviews like
"OOOHHH it's finally here, i'm so happy, it's so great, it's too short, when is the next chapter coming up???"
So yeah, kinda crazy if i like the fic, and then i send another more composed one
I'll read it, wait for the excitment to disappear and then sen da review!


Author's Response: Hahaha, I'm very familiar with that whole syndrome. Sure thing. :)
Name: singin_in_da_shower reviewed Wrath on Dec 09, 2009 11:30 am
Excellent clashing of the two! It's almost seductive, Ginny's lashing out, and yet, nothing happens, which is somehow better. " he was both afraid of and lost to a Weasley. The fact that it is the female one only makes this slightly more acceptable...." Love it!! Update soon plz!

Author's Response: Ooh, thank you. That was exactly what I was going for. :)
Name: fairydust123 reviewed Wrath on Dec 08, 2009 05:41 am
LOL. Am really really enjoying this!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Wrath on Dec 08, 2009 01:27 am
oh, yay!!!!!!! you updated so soon! i love it when author's do that! i'm rather jealous of your beta actually, because she gets to read this first and everything. but you did update for us people too. :) anyways, i loved how this was from draco's point of view. and even better, GINNY is in power this time. I love seeing her from draco's POV because we normally don't see her personal insecurities (that's for gin's own POV) and instead, we get to see this empowered female. who draco is scared of. and lost to. over bumpy noses. HA! anyways, i really want to know what draco has planned. knowing him, it's not going to be pleasant for poor gin. i can only say good job on this chapter, and please update soon! :)

Author's Response: Haha, thanks. I tend to either write fics very very quickly or very very slowly. This one seems to be going quickly which is really more fun all around. Don't be too jealous of my betas - they don't get it that much sooner than you all (because they are great and send it back quickly). I'm glad you liked Ginny having her moment. It was really fun to write; I love furious!Ginny. And writing Draco bewildered and scared was unbelievably entertaining as well. :) You'll see the outcome of Draco's plot soon enough - through Ginny's eyes this time. Looking forward to what you think of it.
Name: Boogum reviewed Wrath on Dec 07, 2009 08:42 pm
This was brilliant! I love the way you're writing this. Very witty and humorous--just the way I like it. Your Draco is wonderful, of course. There were some really golden lines that I would normally pick out but which am too lazy to do so at the moment. Know that I thoroughly enjoyed this, though, and I am definitely looking forward to reading more.

Author's Response: Thanks! I get the feeling that I'm sort of cheating on the whole sin thing, but to be honest I don't really care. It's more fun this way, in my opinion. I'm really wondering just what lines were 'golden' now, I'll have you know - but I'm satisfied knowing you were satisfied. I hope that you continue to enjoy - I'm going to get a bit more evil next chapter.
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Envy on Dec 07, 2009 07:43 am
yes, friendship worked perfectly!

OH pity!
no more pranks

OOOOHHH, i loved your wickedness
please make Ginny suffer some more, things will only get brighter then!

TRAPPED together???
It's ALWAYS good!

I'm sure i'll enjoy this fic!
And i'll be reviewing the next chapters as soon as they are out!


Author's Response:

Don't worry about the pranks. This latest chapter should show you some wickedness/suffering I'm sure you'll appreciate. ;)

Speaking of which, it's loading and should be up as soon as it's approved. I can't wait to hear what you think!

Name: Akt5us reviewed Envy on Dec 05, 2009 05:24 pm
I'm curious to see how Ginny and Astoria became friend. I can't wait to read more! :)

Author's Response:

Sorry, the brief explanation in this chapter is all I've really got to give. Essentially, when Astoria was younger she was a bit lonely and second-year Ginny took pity on first-year Astoria and they became pretty good friends.

Thanks for the review. :)

Name: maximumtrouble10 reviewed Envy on Dec 05, 2009 01:01 pm
I love this story! I think your idea of having Ginny and Astoria actually be friends is really creative, and I don't think I've read that idea before. Please update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you! I don't really know where I got that idea, but I'm liking it the more I think about it. ;)
Name: singin_in_da_shower reviewed Envy on Dec 05, 2009 06:45 am
I love the idea of Ginny finding faults in herself that are pretty cute. All self-criticizing and all. And hopefully Draco will correct her soon....right??
Anyway, this is an awesome beginning for a story, please update soon! : )

Author's Response: Draco's not such a nice guy in this fic... But Ginny's strong enough to stand up for herself. Eventually she's going to put him in his place, don't worry. And by the end she's definitely not going to be so insecure, I can promise you. ;) Thanks for the review.
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Envy on Dec 04, 2009 02:28 pm
poor Ginny!
Having her being friends with Astoria seems oddly acceptable since the girl is just so beautiful and pure but honestly i just want her and Draco come to a mutual ending of things so she won't be sad.
But most of all i wish that Ginny would suffer more of these pranks, played by different people, and in one of them she would get hurt and only have Draco to help her or that they would end up trapped together in a weird, akward situation where they didn't have the chance to use magic.

It was a good start and it promisses a lot of cuteness and fluff so i hope you update soon[i just hate to wait forever for an update]


Author's Response:

I'm glad you don't mind the relationship with Astoria. Of course she's not perfect but I wanted to have her as a sort-of rival without being an evil b- er, witch. I meant witch. ...So I thought friendship would be the way to go.

While there won't be any more pranks from the Weasley twins in this, you can expect poor Ginny to suffer a bit more at the hand of a certain wicked Slytherin. And there will in fact be one scene where she and Draco are trapped together. It will be both weird and awkward, though probably not in the way you're imagining.

And that one will take a while. But I hope you enjoy the rest along the way too, and thanks for the review!

Name: quirky_vixen reviewed Envy on Dec 04, 2009 11:07 am
So. THIS is THE story :P
"Ginny is –green.

Well, it’s not quite that simple. You see, the truth of the matter is that Ginny is actually –well, she’s green."

I was sold at the first few lines itself :D
It sounds like a great idea and I loved how sweet Ginny is .
Can't wait to read more hun :)

Author's Response:

Yes. THE story. *significant eyebrows*

Haha, I'm glad you liked it. More's on the way.

Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Envy on Dec 04, 2009 01:24 am
awww, poor ginny. i have to say, that i've felt exactly like her before. anyways, i really love the premise of this story, even more than Time Turner. I like the idea behind the seven deadly sins and how ginny (and maybe draco for a dose of wrath when ginny gets her own date!) Anyways, i couldn't help but growl at Astoria a bit, since i know she's the one who actually ends up with draco in canon. i can only hope that it'll be different here. anyways, an't wait for your next update! (I hope you do lust last for some good d/g action.) :) amazing job, and please, please, please, update soon!


Author's Response:

Yes, I'm being quite mean to Ginny in this fic. Hopefully things will be worth it in the end, yeah?

Well, I can't take credit for the premise but I agree with you - it's great fun.

I started out resenting Astoria myself, but I have to admit I'm beginning to grow fond of her. Or at least my version of her. But don't worry, I'm D/G all the way. Astoria isn't going to stick with him for too long.

Sadly, as I don't write smut the Lust chapter is going to be a bit of a cop-out, most likely.

Thanks for the review!

Name: like a falling star reviewed Envy on Dec 03, 2009 11:00 pm
i love your writing. :)
please continue! it can't end like this!

Author's Response: Don't worry, it's certainly not ending yet. I've got a couple more Sins to work through first...
Name: Boogum reviewed Envy on Dec 03, 2009 07:46 pm
Ooo, this sounds like it is going to be lots of fun. I like your premise, and I am again loving your use of the narrator. You have a very distinct tone to your writing that really comes through so that the narrator, althought not explicitly stated as a character, at least feels like one.

Poor Ginny being painted green. I do feel sorry for her, and I do wonder just why Draco was talking about bumpy noses at all. *laughs*

I look forward to seeing more.

Author's Response:

Ooh, thank you. Actually, that 'distinct voice' of mine is something I've been meaning to work on a bit, as I'm apparently a little limited by it, but it's too much fun writing things like this to stop completely.

I'll confess: I didn't feel like writing a long Dracosult, but I needed to have Ginny snap out of it a bit. So I just googled 'weird words' and I loved 'kyphorrhinos' too much not to use it. I'm not going to pretend to know why or how Draco feels this is a relevant insult or even how they both know the word... ;)

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