Reviews For The Safe House
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 8 on May 21, 2011 11:22 pm
I liked the concept of your spell -- that was very fascinating! I was a bit surprised Ginny didn't just accio the chocolate afterwards, but then you explained she couldn't use magic after already using so much magic, and it made sense.

I did feel Draco was a bit, hrm, too open with some of his feelings in this one, but we'll just lay that down to circumstance. Sickly people are always more vocal and sentimental. ^_~

Author's Response: Thank you. I really loved this spell. I even threw in the old "fire and ice" description for fun. And I try so hard to keep track of things like why she didn't accio the chocolate. It makes me crazy when I am going over it again and again, looking for loopholes or little inconsistencies. Not that I catch them all, but I know as a reader I always am thinking about those things.

As for Draco, I think that yes he is emotional after what has happened, but also he is tired of denying himself what he wants, not something he has ever really done before. He's been in that house almost a year at this point, and I think it has definitely changed him.

Thank you again for the review!

Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 8 on May 21, 2011 06:10 pm
so happy that ginny was able to heal draco... love the fluff!!

Author's Response: Yes, I don't know where this came from, but once it was in my head, I had to write it out. I love that Ginny is able to save him, too. Because it makes them more equals. It also really changes the dynamics of their relationship. So the fluff will definitely continue for quite a while. Thank you so much for reviewing!
Name: nika reviewed Chapter 8 on May 21, 2011 07:04 am
:) I really did enjoy reading this. I mean not the pain... but the way you tell it! looking forward to more

Author's Response: Thank you! I really loved this scene. Not the pain :) but what it does for them. Thank you for reviewing, it means so much to get some feedback. I hope to post again soon.
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