Reviews For The Safe House
Name: lisidoll09 reviewed Chapter 15 on Aug 05, 2011 09:56 am
-Ahhhh What Happens Next ?!?!!?!?!??! I'm Dying Here !!

Author's Response: Please don't die! I promise my story is not worth it! I will be updating soon.

Thank you so much for taking the time to review! It's so nice to know that at least some of you are really enjoying this fic. It has become a labour of love for me since it was my first attempt at creative writing ever. I really appreciate the feedback!

Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter 15 on Aug 02, 2011 02:52 pm
great chapie!!1it's great that draco & ginny are preparing for the upcoming baby! it sad to know about remus is dead, tonk is in a coma & hermione/ron's lost their baby.. it make me wonder when is everyone going to find out that draco & ginny have been in hiding for a year..

Author's Response: Thank you! It's quite a contrast between the inside and outside worlds, but they will eventually meet. :)
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 15 on Aug 01, 2011 12:37 am
So I'm pretty tired, so I'm sorry if my questions seem silly and I've just missed stuff. But I am confused. Why would Hermione not be able to have another child just because she miscarried one? And what dark spell was Draco looking for?

Also, I don't understand why Ron thinks that it was Draco's fault about the supposed Horcrux exploding. I mean, Draco has been shut away for MONTHS - surely they would realise by now that old information probably could have easily got leaked to Voldemort during those months, who could then have set up traps, knowing that eventually Harry and his little followers would show up. Ah, I don't know, maybe I'm just thinking too much into it.

Anwyay, this was a good (albeit short) chapter. I wonder who this 'spy' is.

Author's Response: No problem. I'm sorry if it is confusing. Okay, well as for Hermione, it was a combo of the physical trauma and magical blast that did irreperable harm to her uterus. Ron is blaming Draco because that's easier than blaming himself and Draco is 'dead' so that makes it much easier. Also, they are still in what appears to be a never-ending war. Ron has become bitter with their loss and turned all that nastiness onto Draco - this is not supposed to be healthy behaviour. Draco was Harry's secret spy - that was made clear in the early chapters, so I'm sure you forgot that by now. Anyway, when Harry found R & H at Mungo's he finally told them who gave him the list - Draco. It was the same night everything happened so Ron just latched onto it, and Hermione, too, really. And yes, it was months before that Draco gave them the list. This will be brought up later.

The dark spell will come back later. Thanks for the review! I hope this clears things up a bit.

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