Reviews For Absolution's Price
Name: icthestrals reviewed The Poison Tree on Apr 20, 2011 09:57 am
Oh what a terrible thing she has done! I fear for him so much. He loves her so and yet I do think it is wishful thinking on his part that she feels anything close to love for him. Finally, she showed a little bit of compassion and accepted that he could not choose her over his parents, but I don't trust her. To think that she was ready to kill him for Tom. He is completely justified in all hs nasty thoughts about her. I understand what it means to love someone in spite of who they are, and you do such a great job showing that it him.

On another note, I did get your message and I responded. In case you didn't get it, thanks for your encouragement.

Author's Response: "love someone in spite of who they are"...why is it that everyone else is better at summing up my work than I am? So many powerful statements you've made here. You've picked up on how vulnerable Draco still is, even though he's got so much more power now than he did at the start of the story. I see that people really don't have much sympathy for Ginny! I guess I'm not surprised than no one trusts her, though, given all of the stunts she's pulled.

Name: Boogum reviewed The Poison Tree on Apr 15, 2011 05:17 am
Well, wasn't this a rollercoaster chapter. There were times where I really wanted to slap Ginny, but then she made up for it in the end (I hope). She's more shifty than I think we give her credit for. I can't believe she was going to kill Draco. Well, try, anyway. And while I would normally wonder at Draco forgiving her that easily, I think the way you have written them (and their relationship) does make it make sense.

Very curious to know what will happen next.

Author's Response: In the end, he just wants what he wants and bother everything else - a rather unsatisfying conclusion after all of his speculation, but there it is. The dysfunction in the chapter is strong; if you feel it makes some sort of sense then I'm happy. Ginny's misplaced guilt gave her a lot of nasty things to say on top of her terrible confession so yeah, I'm not surprised that you wanted to slap her.
Name: pinkblood reviewed The Poison Tree on Apr 14, 2011 08:42 pm
Beautiful as usual.

Author's Response: Thank you! The story softens up a bit at this point (we can't just fight forever, can we?).
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