Name: lilactree reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Aug 09, 2012 02:41 pm
:O It would have been a fantastic long story!! Though it is still an amazing short one.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed! There's not a huge following for AU stories, but I do love the idea a lot. I actually had an idea to make this a 3-part series, to add to the "episode" feel of this short story. It depends on my time, since I have other unfinished stories that I'd like to complete first. Thanks so much for your review! :D
Name: Kitty Lupin reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Apr 18, 2012 07:52 am
This was really cool, I liked the idea and story you ran with. Makes me want to watch the anime, but somehow I know that the main characters won't be as cool as Draco and Ginny.

Author's Response: I totally agree! :) Writing this, I was thinking of an anime sort of scenery. So glad you enjoyed and thanks for the feedback!
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Apr 05, 2012 12:15 am
Oh, I forgot it just stops. You know, I happen to know rather a lot about Dragon Ball Z (I even write DBZ fanfiction), so if you were ever wanting to expand this and need an expert on Dragon Balls and all things DBZ, I'm your man -- er, woman.

Other than that, this was a cute fic. Such potential. *wink wink*

Author's Response: You go girl, or, er, woman! :) I might take you up on that! I was so hoping that by posting I might find someone who could help. I was thinking of making this a series and I have some ideas, since I got so much feedback begging for more. LOL I'll email you separately and maybe we can come up with something together. :)
Name: Pixie_the_Punk_Princess reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Mar 30, 2012 08:51 pm
This story is awesome! I like how descriptive you are, also the characters are well developed. Pretty, pretty please continue it! :D

Author's Response: Thank you! I am getting a lot of requests to continue! When it was first posted in the fic exchange, it got no notice at all, so I totally hated the story for a long time. But, the feedback is giving me ideas, so it is a possibility that this will get more to it. :) Thank you for letting me know you liked it! It means a lot. :)
Name: clandestinelyours reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Mar 29, 2012 08:30 pm
I like it. This is the first fic I've read that actually goes to Auror Academy, and I think your version definitely works :)

Author's Response: Thank you! You know what I love about reviews? Sometimes you just trigger the right idea to get me out of a rut, and your review did. I was so focused on the quest that I had forgotten about all the Auror background story! And there is so much to explore there. So, thank you!
Name: silver rose reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Mar 29, 2012 06:39 pm
I find it refreshing that you did not completely follow hana kimi in this story. I also like the fact that you added a bit more complexity to this story. Looking forward to the next chapter :)

Author's Response: I think, from here it will digress a bit, although I will try to keep Ginny's character closer to her Hana Kimi counterpart. Thank you very much!
Name: serinah reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Mar 28, 2012 12:12 pm
Well, you did put 'TBC' at the end, so isn't 'I'd love to turn it into a long story' a bit of silly thing to say? Of course you have to continue! Is there even a doubt? You always write beautifully. Your 'Faerie Tales...' is one of my all times favourites and most of your stories are really really good. In fact, if you won't finish this story, you risk a lot of potential ill-will from your readers and that'd just mess up your karma, wouldn't it? So you see, you just have to write! ;) And since I know that generic 'i love it, write more' isn't very informative for the author I'll add what I liked the most about this chapter. The whole dragon plot line surprised me, I didn't really expect there to be any other plot, so that's always good and I like that Ginny isn't just opening up and spilling everything to Draco. What I wonder about though is if Draco isn't somehow double-crossing her or keeping something to himself. I wonder if he might actually need help from a female and that is why he is being so open about his 'quest'. I can' wait to read more. Thanks for posting these chapters; they've made my imagination run wild. :)

Author's Response: LOL! That was the best threat to continue that I've ever received! I truly wish I had the time to add to this one. It was originally posted over 2 years ago for a fic exchange, and I didn't post it here for a couple of reasons: first, it got no love and barely four reviews in the exchange, so I figured people hated the concept. Second, the story's prompt called for a Dragon Ball Z crossover - and I don't follow that at all! So, I'd have to get into that series to do this story justice.
So, after two years, I had no time and no inspiration for how to continue, so I just decided to post it as the open-ended short fic that it was in the exchange. Perhaps if I find a co-writer who knows DragonBall a bit... :)
Name: cherryredxx reviewed Chapter 3 - The Quest on Mar 27, 2012 04:57 pm
I really hope this isn't the end! I'm really liking it so far. :(

Author's Response: Thank you! I keep hoping that something comes along to inspire more, but it's been two years. It was left open-ended in the fic exchange, so it will have to remain that way for now. :)
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