Ginny glanced out the window, her hollow eyes peering out from behind the veil of her limpid hair. Her hand traced a light pattern on the smooth pane of the window, for some reason tracing the familiar features of that boy. Blinking slowly, she realized what she was doing and stilled her hand at once. It seemed like all she had to do recently was think of him and their odd meeting in the rain. He had been so confusing and mysterious, and yet there was something about he knew just what to say. Shocked that Ginny was talking to her, Hermione had stared at her quite blankly when she had asked about Damien. The older girl then gathered her wits and tried to remember anything she could about the Ravenclaw, but she knew next to nothing. Everything from the name to the description was unfamiliar.

She said he must be the transfer student, Ginny thought to herself with a whispered sigh. It was weird that even Hermione didn't know anything about him (considering her new found obsession with 'welcoming' new students); what could that mean?

Lightly her finger began to trace his face again as her eyes slowly slipped shut. I hope I get to see him again...


Ginny sat at the Gryffindor table with a light frown resting on her gaunt face. The food on the plate in front of her was easy to ignore in favor of sighing and wishing for the rain, not even Ron's idiotic coaxing could force her to eat more.

"Ginny," her brother whimpered, "you're getting way too thin. Madame Pomfrey says you got to eat something. Please, Gin?"

Ginny wanted to eat something, she really did. It would be so nice to keep everyone from worrying about poor little Ginny Weasley, but she just couldn't do it. What point was there in living when some part of yourself was just...gone? Silently, she pushed her plate away from her and stood, swaying slightly as the blood rushed through her body. Placing a frail white hand on the table she steadied herself before turning to leave. And that's when it started.

Overhead the ceiling crackled with lightning as a boom of thunder shook the windows of the Great Hall. A shadowy smile pulled Ginny's lips as she looked up as the rain began to fall from the false sky above. Before Ron could so much as complain about the rain, Ginny was already out the doors and racing into the wet evening air.

Her hands were spread towards the heavens as the first few drops splattered against her skin. It was like she had stepped from the darkness of uncertainty into the gentle warmth of peace. With each heavenly tear against her skin she could push away the pain and hopelessness that dodged her life and simply be. Slowly, she began to twirl, her breath clouding about her head like a ghostly halo. Her hair was soon stuck to her body and her white socks transformed to a muddy grey mass of cotton.

The sound of deep laughter caused her to stop with a sudden squelch. There, by the tree, was the very figure of her thoughts, watching her with a charming smile on his sharp features. She froze, each muscle tensing and coiling in turn as she contemplated running back for the castle. He was dangerous for her; he had made her talk...and yet, he didn't push her.

Hesitantly, she made her way towards him. Once within ten feet of him, she sat down, the grass squishing beneath her tiny frame. Wide brown eyes met certain blue in an open gaze, silence stretching between them as if it could span the world of misery between them. Nothing was said and only the beating of the rain kept time to their pumping hearts.

What am I doing here? Ginny thought, her mind racing. "Hi," she finally murmured, dropping her gaze to her twined fingers.

"Hello," was all he said.

And then...nothing. He didn't ask her how she was doing or why she had come running out of the school like that. Damian just sat there, now watching the lake as if it held the answer to all of life's mysteries. That was different. Nobody did that anymore, they treated her like she would break if they didn't watch her constantly
For a moment, she fidgeted silently and watched him from behind her hair. It felt weird to just sit there watching him watch nothing, but what could she say?

"I like to garden." Oh that was a brilliant start. What would Damian care if she gardened or not? "Especially roses."

Damian turned towards her, that faint smile still tracing his lips as he watched her. "And what is your favorite variety of rose?" The way he watched her, it was almost as if he cared about the answer she would give. Not even Harry pretended to do that anymore.

"The Fourth of July."

He chuckled. "That doesn't surprise me."

Ginny openly stared at him them, curiosity causing her to brush some of her hair behind her ear. "Why do you say that?"

The boy ran a hand through his slightly unkempt hair, leaning his back against the tree. "It's a rose most people don't really notice, but is really quite fantastic when you pay attention to it. The way the red and white splash across each's quite lovely." He paused, shrugging. "My mother grows roses."

So that's how he knew what it was! At least he wasn't a legilimens or something; that would be horrible. Ginny relaxed by the slightest degree, more willing to be around a boy who could at least understand what she was talking about. "So, what else do you like?" he asked, staring out over the lake again.

She blinked, not entirely sure she wanted to answer that. He was someone she didn't know, and she hadn't known him before the accident, so why should she trust him? Because he doesn't know you, her traitorous mind whispered. So far he was the only one who didn't try to claim something of her, that meant he couldn't be too bad. Could he?
"I...I like raspberries and chocolate, especially together." The shy Gryffindor began twisting her hands, watching them as if the world depended on it. "And the rain. I really like the rain."

He said nothing for a moment, but then asked in a hushed voice, "Why do you like the rain?"

Ginny opened her mouth to answer, certain something would come out. But, she didn't have an answer. She didn't know why she went out into the rain; she just did. Snapping her mouth shut, she ran.


That night as she lay in bed, Ginny could almost feel his eyes on her as she fled. He had asked her something she couldn't answer. What more could she do than get away from him? Asking questions like that just wasn't fair, and he knew it! It just wasn't fair...It just...wasn't...

In her dream, she was walking. Along the path ancient trees tossed and twirled in the gale, rattling eerie warnings. Fear seeped into her bones and slowed her every movement. If she could, she would simply run down the path, but that would alert them to her presence.

Turn back, her mind pleaded with her.

But she couldn't. He needed her to make it, even if he would be angry at her for it. Her own life didn't matter because without love life was nothing. Suddenly a light appeared in the distance and-

Ginny awoke with a lung rattling gasp, sweat trickling down her back. Whatever waited for her at the end of the was going to kill her, she knew it. Outside the rain beat a steady cacophony as tears began to pour their way down her pale cheeks.
To Be Continued.
blackfox360 is the author of 0 other stories.
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